Borrowed Truths

One Eye On The World

one eye on the world
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One Eye On The World

I spoke to a man today, one whose life revolves around his world and what he allows to enter into it. There was no Spiritual discernment within him, and although he was polite when I brought the Scriptures and their relevancy into the conversation, he saw no reason to accept them as truth.

What he did say though was interesting and describes much of the world today. “It seems as if greed has taken over the planet.”

There is wisdom to be found everywhere for the child of God my friends if you will search for it, if you will but listen.

“Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.” (Prov. 11:4)

And that day is approaching.

Several of the YouTube creators my lovely wife and I watch and follow have said much of the same thing as that man I spoke with today, greed, the desire to accumulate as much as possible seems to be the sole purpose of many, but those same videos that realize this, who are all unrepentant individuals, say to prepare by getting out of debt, by living within your means, to stock up on the necessities of life. And then they speak of taking their stock market course or buying gold.

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” (James 1:8)

What has always amazed me is how these content creators have done exactly what they blame the mainstream media of doing, expressing amazement at the event of the day, speaking of its great importance, but then tomorrow that situation that held great value yesterday is all but forgotten.

And of course, they start with this “bad news,” this earth-shaking event, and then end their programs with what I call the cat being saved from the tall tree, something lighthearted.

They are being what we are commanded not to be.

“And be not conformed to this world:” (Romans 12:2a)

They are conforming themselves to the world each day.

My friends, you must be able to recognize these truths, or you may find that your cause has shifted from glorifying the Living God to the breaking news of the day, you may find that you have been herded into the same pen that the brute beasts have been led to.

Again, I repeat myself here, no one in hell is contemplating the days they lived in, or the outcome of whatever fears were laid upon them, and I doubt very much that anyone in heaven is either.

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1st John 2:15)

Loving the world, in part, is paying strict attention to the way it is going, it is following that “breaking news” constantly each day, and if you are not careful, you will find yourself using the excuse of either that you are looking for that “next new sign” from the Lord, or that these daily announcements are necessary so you can hold an informed conversation with those you meet about them, and then bring up the Scriptures.

Both are subtle traps of our adversary.

One eye on the world and one eye on Christ is not the path we are to be on.

I already knew this world is consumed with greed, it always has been, so I listened and interjected at times, but he did not think that the Word of God was important enough to converse about. I can only pray the seed will cause him to contemplate the truths that were offered to him.

“For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” (1st John 2:16)

The things that are occurring are not new to us, we knew long ago that the hedges were being lowered, none of what is happening in the world today should shake us.

Our path is straight, stay focused, keep both eyes on our Savior.

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