Borrowed Truths

Not The World

not the world
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Not The World

I am noticing a very disturbing trend as of late that does not seem to differentiate between the wicked and the saved, and one of the most disturbing parts about this is that many of those who honestly seem to be my brothers and sisters in Christ do not notice it in themselves.

“Going with the flow” or “Being drug along by the masses,” both have led to the truth of 2nd Timothy 4:3 being enacted before our eyes.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”

What is the most popular event of the day for the world has become the talking point of those who profess Christ, these have determined that what the world believes to be important is what they should present to their viewers, those who follow them, those who sit in the pews and listen to their words, and always with the thought that they can put a Spiritual spin on the story.

They are being conformed to the world and do not seem to be able to see it within themselves.

But time is short, if they are even only a few days late with their message, the public will have moved on, so instead, many times what they will do is group together a few of those “world shaking events” into a single video or sermon, and by default leave the path of sound Biblical doctrine for the suspense of a world on fire, and facing the judgment of the Almighty.

The truth of 2nd Timothy 3:13 is just as relevant, if not much more, for those who have left the path of Spiritual discernment for the excitement of this fallen world, and still call it serving Christ.

“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

To take those who come to your video presentation, to the sanctuary where the name of the Living God is to be worshipped, even in the letters of a simple servant of the Lord, and not only begin, but make the main thrust of the message given one of the world and its never-ending woes is not a path that should be followed, much less begun with. Yet it scratches their ears, it keeps them coming back, it gives them something to talk about amongst each other.

But it holds no eternal value whatsoever.

The message will of course end with some form of Scriptural relevance to the subject matter, and so then in that regard it offers, falsely, the notice that the messenger has given an appropriate message.

But the subject is to be Christ.

“Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth.” (Psalm 57:11)

It is not to be intermingled with the troubles of the world, it is not to start with the cares of those who live in and for this world, the subject is to be profitable to the hearer, to teach them the truths of the will and Word of God without needing to compare these truths to what this fallen planet and those who follow it find enticing or interesting.

It is a trap, and I am finding it more and more difficult to find those men of God who are willing to say “Thus saith the Lord,” without first saying, “This is what is happening in the world this week.”

If it is not what has happened, then it is one of a myriad of those portents of future doom they believe is approaching.

The world has finally infiltrated the church, and not just the building where the people of the Almighty gather, but, in the hearts and minds of those who actually do serve Him as Master and King.

There is no reason to scratch their ears, let them find another to do so for them. You preach Christ, you preach repentance, obedience and love. Do not bring the world to them, bring the Lord Jesus Christ.

If they will not endure Him, so be it.

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