“But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.” (2nd Thess. 3:13)
You should be tired from serving the Lord, not tired of serving Him, your body should be weary, but not your mind, not your desire to see Him glorified. If the path of that day in your service to Him is not perfectly clear, you are not to grow lax, you are to seek His face in supplication and prayer. We are to be consumed with Christ always, never shirking our obligations, never looking to the world or to self to fill those hours when He seems to be silent, always ready to hear the Holy Spirit in what task He has prepared for us next.
Studying the Scriptures, contemplating them when you are not, working through the pain and circumstances, always prepared to say, “Here am I, send me.”
“Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.” (Matt. 24:46)
The one who makes sure they have enough oil in their lamp is the one who is prepared at any time not just for the arrival of the Bridegroom, but in the days when we do not see the signs of His appearing, when the sun is shining and the dark clouds seem far away. “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” (Matt. 24:44)
Some people will be at work when the Rapture happens, some asleep, some perhaps doing something that is not pleasing to the Lord, a momentary lapse of reason, of sin, but none will be ill prepared who will be looking for that moment, all will have their lamps full. And you must understand this, none will be looking for some worldwide cataclysmic event to occur to foretell that moment, it will arrive in an hour that we do not expect.
If you are continuously searching for the signs of His arrival in the clouds, you need to stop, if the Lord wants you to see something relevant to these days of sorrows, you can rest assured that He will reveal it to you. Those who are continuously looking up will indeed trip over something, and that is one of the deceits of our adversary in these days towards those who are waiting for the Bridegroom to appear and take us home.
The one who is watching does not spend all their time doing so, there is work to be done, the lost to be found, the wicked to be warned and rebuked, the weaker brothers and sisters are to be encouraged.
“Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.” (Matt. 24:46)
You must see the inverse of this verse, the one who is not doing will not be blessed.
The work can grow tiring, the world hates us as perhaps never before, we stand for Christ and therefore stand as lights towards His righteousness, towards His holiness and that my friends convicts them of their sinfulness. You will grow tired of those who say, “Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” (2nd Peter 3:4) But you are not alone in this. We do what we do for Christ, not for the rewards or crowns that may await us, not so that we can feel good about ourselves, not even for the lost, but for Christ. He alone is our purpose, our reward, and the weariness and frustrations will melt away every time you remember that.
You may be fast asleep when the trumpet sounds, that is not important, what is, is what you were doing when you were awake, was your mind fixed on the duties set before you, were you on the path to the straight gate?
Are you working while waiting?