A great king who defeated all his enemies with fierce wrath, yet loved all in his nation who served him with a great love, as if they were his own children. How many times in the history of this planet has that scenario occurred, and how many of those kings can you name?
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.” (Prov. 22:1)
“The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.” (Prov. 10:7)
Do you know what concerns people the most? What is happening to them today, right now. You can believe all you want to that if you serve the world, mankind, that you will always be remembered, that the statue they create of you, the edifices they place your name on, the books written about you will last forever, but you would be mistaken.
The names of those who will suffer eternal damnation may be remembered by those who will live throughout eternity in the presence of the Lamb of God, but I ask this question of you, do you want to remember them?
Our names in the Lamb’s Book of Life, His name on our foreheads, white stones with a name on it in your possession forever, while their name rots throughout eternity.
I believe the real question is not do you want to remember the names of loved ones who died in their sins, but will you accept the will of the Almighty in this matter. Can you love Him forever with the same fervency and adoration if the memories remain, or is it more calming to your soul at this present time to believe that all memories of them will be wiped from your mind?
It is a question of enduring love for the Savior, no matter the consequences to yourself, is it not?
“For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” (Isaiah 65:17)
What are you hoping for, that those loved ones who will suffer forever will not be remembered by you, while you still retain the knowledge of why those scars are in His hands, feet and side? That everlasting smoke and the tormented screams you see and hear off in the distance occasionally, that it will never enter into your mind as you enjoy pleasures forevermore to question what it is?
If the Almighty wipes your memory clean of all of this life, of all of those you knew here, will you never ask why you are in that place of eternal light and love, how did you get there, who are all these people with you. Are you hoping to have all the bad memories wiped away?
Would you forget the cross, His grace, His mercy?
Can you stand fully in the presence of His joy with the knowledge of those you loved in eternal suffering?
My friends, if you find these thoughts even the least bit disturbing, then I suggest that the love you profess for the Lord Jesus Christ is still in competition with other loves.
Can you say, “Thy will be done,” without any form whatsoever in this matter without reservations of any kind?
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt. 6:21)
Accepting the will of the Almighty means the realization that He did not put them in the Lake of Fire, they put themselves there. Some truths my friends cannot be realized as truth in all their fulness until we get home.
How much you love Him, whom you profess to serve today will offer you peace in regard to the subject matter of this short letter.
I pray you see that.