Borrowed Truths

Willingly Losing All

willingly losing all
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Willingly Losing All

“I am going to transform you by the renewing of your mind.”

“I am going to kill your self.”

“I am going to force you to obey me.”

This is what those who do not understand the love that the Creator has for those souls He has created, they hear tyrannical mandates, they envision a dog on a short leash, they see the complete and total loss of all free will for the whims of a cruel taskmaster. They do not see love.

“Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1st Peter 1:16)

I ask you; would you consider the Lord any differently if He would have said, “I am going to make you holy?” No, we would not, in fact we longingly pray for that moment, the moment when we who have been justified by His grace, who are being led by the Holy Spirit in the ways of sanctification, will one day be glorified by our loving Father. Those who are the righteousness of God in Christ look forward to the day when the last vestige of our old sinful nature is removed, and we are made holy and completely acceptable in His sight, without spot or blemish.

“For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.” (Romans 7:18)

The flesh is afraid of God, and those who will remain unrepentant and die in their sins will know its continual lust for all eternity, yet never fulfilled. The pleasures of self they have sought for their entire lives and the temporary fulfillments of them will be the only rewards they will receive, hopelessness added upon despair, eternal longing never realized.

We who have been born-again are being transformed, not against the will of our mind, but by our agreement with the Holy Spirit for the glory of God. We are being freed from the lust of the eyes and the flesh, from the pride of life not so that we may glory in that freedom, but so that we may give God the glory.

On your last day here in this life you will still not be holy, no works you have spent a lifetime attempting to perform can make you so, you will battle the flesh until your dying breath. And the wicked will strive to hold onto it until theirs.

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” (1st John 3:2)

The Lord is not going to ask you if you want to be glorified, He is not going to ask you which part of yourself you would like to retain before you walk into His Kingdom, He is going to remove every last vestige of our old nature, and we will thank Him throughout eternity for doing so.

We see through the glass darkly today, we have no ability to think or process thoughts today as we will in heaven, that part of us will be removed forever. Continuous desires never realized awaits those who reject the Savior’s call, pleasures forevermore await us.

Satan has blinded them, we have been blessed with eyes that can see, speak these truths to them that do not serve Him whom all are bound to serve. Show them the truth of what awaits them if they do not accept the love that is today being offered to them.

There is more than the pain of eternal fire that awaits those who reject the Lord my friends, there is a hopelessness that cannot be conceived by the human mind. The only transformation they will ever know is from is death to eternal death.

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