Borrowed Truths

Will You Ask?

will you ask
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Will You Ask?

If you desire to love God fully, then you are going to need to ask Him to show Himself to you in His entirety, and that will drive you mad. It will cause you to leave everything and everyone on this planet, for you will have found everything that you have ever searched for in Christ.

Herein lies the problem, the question if you will, of the majority of Christians, herein is why some will never wear a mask or take the vaccine, here is why you will find an empty pew where once the soul that continued to search used to sit. When the Lord calls this man, and this man answers the call to go apart from the crowd and all that is in the world to follow willingly wherever he is led, you will never find the man who once was ever again. This man has been crucified, he has no past, his future is assured, he seeks for nothing from this world, and neither will accept it, even when, as Abraham did, he has won the right to keep all, not even a shoe latchet will he claim for himself.

This man has been blessed to hear and understand the words “I am thy great and exceeding reward.” What more is there, in Christ is all there is, there is nothing without Him. This blessing, this great burden and blessing, is only for those who will ask for it, and great contemplation must proceed the asking. You must realize that you may be asked to give up everything, you will need to understand that all you know will need to be forgotten, that all of your rewards and accolades here will be as dung to you. (Phil. 3:8) All those you love and care for must be given over into His hand and control, and as my beautiful wife read for us in the Book of Malachi tonight, from this point on you must give Him the best of everything that He allows to come into your possession. (Malachi 1:8-14)

From this point on there can be no turning back, every yes must mean yes, and every no must be voiced emphatically and without reservation, the path is well trodden by men who have come before you, and there is much suffering and blood upon that trail. Not from all who have walked it of course, but from many, but it is not the path that you watch, it is not even the narrow gate at the end of it that draws our attention, it is Christ, no other sight, no other prize can draw your attention away from Him.

The man who asks Almighty God to show all of Himself to him is, no offense intended, is as Moses was, the intentions are the highest possible, yet will remain unattainable throughout all of eternity, it is our human nature that cannot comprehend the infinite that is God, but it is the heart that longs for Him that cannot be quenched or satisfied with anything less than Him. It is a request that I believe our Lord will honor for all that ask it of Him, but few ask with the proper attitude, with the heart set on nothing but Him.

This is no parttime adventure, this is no short lived “peep” show into the mind of God, this is a desire beyond any other that we can truly ever ask, He is the only prize that is worth living for, worth dying for, worth giving up everything we are and all that we have for, for in Him is the fulness of life, (Eph. 1:23) in His presence is fulness of joy, (Psalm 16:11) He has no equal, there is no other prize worthy of our lives.

Asking the Lord to show to you the entirety of Himself is an impossible request, but ask if you may, if He blesses you with this path, never expect your life to be the same, expect to be filled with a thirst and hunger for righteousness that will never be filled in this life, (Matt. 5:6) expect to learn to hate evil with every fiber of your soul, (Prov. 8:13) expect the fellowship of His suffering, (Phil. 3:10) expect a peace that passes all understanding, expect all that Christ is to be revealed to you. Now you may ask Him, if all this is what you truly desire, if He alone is what you desire above all else.

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