I personally believe that one of the reasons that these Letters of Truth do not receive numerous views is because of that word and its implications in the title, they are truth, and although people have a tendency to search out truth in certain things, especially in others, within themselves they tend to shy away from it.
Even though truth is absolute, when we see it within ourselves most generally one of two things will happen, pride will cause humility to vanish, or regrets will bring with it a form of despondency, almost hatred of ourself. Absolute truth my friends can only be altered in the mind, and when it becomes subjective, relative, it therefore is no longer truth.
I bring this example to your thoughts today in relation to the opening statement of this letter and why, in part, some of them receive so few views. It has to do with your thoughts on this verse, or more to the point, what you like to believe happened after our Savior said these words.
“For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matt. 12:50)
What did our Lord do then? Did He get up, excuse Himself and go outside, or did He remain seated?
Every person who is trapped, ensnared by the cult of Romanism would be aghast at the latter possibility, for Mary has been elevated by them as equal to the Living God. Nearly every single person who claims to serve the Lord Jesus Christ cannot begin to comprehend the incredible dishonoring of His mother if He stayed seated as well. But those who believe that He got up to go outside would need to say that Mary was more important than those lost sheep He was speaking to.
Family, my friends, is the context of this letter, and why I personally believe when the subject matter arrives in them, that so few continue to read them. The Lord Jesus Christ said that those who do the will of God are His family, and the Scriptures state quite clearly this truth.
“If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:” (2 John 1:10)
And now you must face the truth, who is your family?
Many years ago I crossed a line that few will even come close to, I stopped having any personal, intimate associations with my near kinsmen, my relatives by birth, for after many, many years of attempting to reach them with the knowledge, the truth, of the only way to salvation and they continuously rejected the Lamb of God, I stopped casting His pearls before them, and completely dissociated them from my life.
These truths are beyond the comprehension of most people, family, the ties of blood relatives, surpass all other affections, the hope that those we love who do not love the Lord will not die, and most will never accept these truths written here. And to those who refuse to see the truths revealed in this short letter, this verse is hated by them, and every possible alternative to that word “hate” in it is sought for.
“If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26)
Who are you not to bid godspeed to? Who are the swine we are to stop casting those pearls before? Who are we not to have any associations with? Light and darkness, do you move between the two when it comes to those you call your family?
Can you see what I mean about why some stop reading these letters?