Borrowed Truths

Whose Laws?

whose laws
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Whose Laws?

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” (Romans 13:1)

When are you obeying the Word of God, and when are you obeying the will of God?

I will offer you an example here in relation to the verses in context in Romans 13 and use the laws of the United States in regard to their individualized laws on marijuana. If you live in a state where it is illegal to purchase or have in your possession said substance, yet travel to a state where it is legal, under whose laws are you subject to?

I will offer you another example.

My beautiful wife has gifted me with several t-shirts that have verses of Scriptures on them, one in particular states, “This shirt is illegal in fifty-three countries.” Now, whose laws am I under?

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” (Matt. 28:19)

What of our brothers and sisters in Christ who stand firm in their resolve to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in nations they live in that proclaim it is illegal to do so, whose law are they under?

When the supposed pandemic was in full swing, mandates were passed across the globe that stated that churches must lock their doors, and ninety-two percent of them did, pastors were encouraging all who sat in the pews to roll up their sleeves and receive not only the initial injection, but all available booster shots. Whose laws were they following?

There are hundreds, if not more, examples that could be given here, but the question is this, when are we to disobey those powers of authority that have been placed in those positions by the Almighty over us?

Would you look down upon those who profess Christ who smoke weed if it is completely legal in the area you live in? Did you murmur behind their back because they disagreed with locking those church doors, and denied the injection? Would not even wear a face covering?

Whose laws are we under, when can we with a clear conscience refuse to obey the laws of man, when can we say without a doubt that certain laws or mandates are imposed in direct contradiction to the will of God?  

Why is it so many will be encouraged when word arrives of some missionary in a nation where it is illegal to reach out to the people with the Scriptures is placed in prison, but those who question the ones who voted to lock the church doors are still frowned upon today, as those that would not obey the mandates?

Whose laws are you following?

All of this is just getting started my friends, more mandates are coming, more laws will arrive that will have one singular purpose in mind, make the masses obey, and from what I have witnessed over the last decade or so, this verse will be employed by many who believe unquestioning obedience to those in authority is the proper path.

“Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.” (Job 2:4)

They are unable, or unwilling, to see the slow march they are being led on, the carefully planned path of our adversary to forced obedience, one walked willingly by them.

The deception of the supposed pandemic was merely a test, how many of those in the churches that locked their doors failed that test I cannot say, but as it is said, the longest journey begins with one step.

How can you tell if the laws of man are in the will of God? This is a question you must be able to answer, and I would highly suggest you begin contemplating that question today, for laws are on the horizon that have only one purpose behind them, complete and total obedience to their authority.

Whose laws do you follow?

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