If you are staying faithful to the Word and will of God in these times, if you are not being led astray by the events that are unfolding across the planet, if you have not been moved from your calling, from the path that the Lord has set before you, carried about by every change in the wind, then you are to be commended, for you are blessed.
Far too many are now overly concerned with the return of the King for His church, more have stepped aside from what they have been called to do and now instead focus all their energies on current events, and while some may have indeed been prompted by the Holy Spirit to do so, most sadly are simply following the times, “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” (Eph. 4:14) now propels them freely and at its will.
These have lost sight of the truth, they wear masks now instead of remaining strong in the assurance of His promises, they fear the unknown more than the truths of the Scriptures, they will or cannot discern the spiritual, and instead have been pulled into the carnal. What is coming is coming, and none of it will arrive until the Lord God allows it to, we should neither be surprised or moved from our appointed tasks, it is the Almighty who is still in charge. His grace my friends, is still sufficient, those who faith in Christ as Lord was weak before are now only being shown that truth, fear is beginning to encroach where abiding faith should be.
If you have lost your employment, if things are beginning to look bleak, then now is the time to be praising His name above the heavens, for He is preparing to bless you beyond all you could imagine, if you are willing to trust Him. When the chaff is separated at the winnowing floor, it is always a windy day, and once is never enough, sometimes several times are necessary, each time the process removes even more impurities, until only that which is fit for the body is left. Please, do not misunderstand me, I firmly believe the signs are sure, not only across the planet, but specifically in the land of Israel. No king arrives without warning, a notice to His subjects that they are to prepare for His arrival, our King is no different, but He is expecting to be met with exuberance and joy, not fear and trepidation.
What were you expecting from the King of Glory, a nice, warm sunny day, does He who sits in the thunder and earthquakes, lightening and dark clouds (Isaiah 29:6) announce His arrival with a warm beam of sunshine or in power and might. We are waiting for the sound of the trumpet, but until that moment we are to occupy, we are to be at work doing His will, yes, warnings must now be a part of that, but unless He has specifically called you to leave your post and attend to this new calling, remain on duty.
Expect His arrival at any moment, but do not allow yourself to falter from what He has called you to do, if it is to write letters, write, if it is to memorize His Holy word, to preach the good news, to care for the fatherless, continue in that path. The lost will see your faith, they will see the perseverance and strength, that is not our own but flowing through us, and they will glorify God. (Romans 8:17) Tell all who will listen why you are not fearful of the storm, tell them why you can walk confidently through the valley of the shadow of death, warn them yes, but more than that lead them to the reason for your hope. It is impossible for anyone to lead others from fear when they themselves are exhibiting fear, strength, courage, trust, all these and more do not come from us, they flow through us by the power of the Holy Spirit, what we show to others is how they see Christ, do not dishonor His Holy name, stay on the path He has set before you, let them know that the only fear you have lies in the possibility that your actions would be seen as not those of Christ. Trust and obey, fear and faith cannot reside together.