Here is the lie that is being believed around the world, if it is profitable to you, if it is pleasurable, uplifting, convenient and edifying in any form to you, then it is true. If it is not, it is false. And this my friends is not limited to the secular world.
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17)
The reason there are so many religious organizations that profess to serve the Almighty is because they cannot agree on the truths of the Scriptures, and I do not have enough paper and ink to relay to you every possible stone added by mankind upon that profession of faith in all these, what I will loosely call, “churches.”
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (Gal. 1:8)
Important enough for the Holy Spirit to repeat that in the next verse.
Open to interpretation is what those who lead congregations will say to you, in essence then informing you that the interpretation of any part of the Word of God is left up to you, but this, they will say, is what we believe. Go down the street to the nearest Evangelical church, and they will offer you a different interpretation.
I personally believe the Almighty left certain things open to interpretation for a single reason, so that those who are diligently seeking His face for His glory will have His inerrant truths revealed to them, because my friends, we will all be held personally responsible in just how we interpreted His truths. And I fear far too many have no real desire to seek diligently for His truths, but instead simply believe what the one behind the pulpit tells them.
Again, the proof is in all those different churches.
“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3)
Want to experience strife? Simply begin a conversation with someone who believes, without a shadow of a doubt, something from the Scriptures that can easily be refuted in the Scriptures. Want to join a church that believes what you believe? See if it can be proven in the Scriptures.
Truth is not relative, it is always absolute, truth does not care how you feel about it, if it is beneficial to you, if it makes you feel good or bad. Truth is dogmatic, nothing can alter it, it does not depend on your perception or opinion of it.
Rules, regulations, and traditions have replaced the absolute truth of the Word of God in many places that dare to call themselves houses of worship. Once the one behind the pulpit begins to scratch the itchy ears of those in the pews, truth will become relative.
“Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” (Rev. 2:5)
I personally believe we are living in the days right before the storm, people are easily deceived, they desire the truths of the words of God to be altered to their liking, smoothing the path before them.
If you will my friends, the first church began when Satan coerced a third of the angels. Self was the name of that church, and every building where people meet that does not adhere perfectly to the truths of the Word of God has followed in his footsteps.
“Thus saith the Lord” has been replaced with, “This is what I think God meant.”
You can pray for anything that you want to pray for, but unless you pray first and foremost, fervently every day for Him to reveal His truths to you, then there is a very good possibility that you will be led astray.
He will hear you in this prayer, and He will answer you in it.