Fear is contagious. I do not generally feel led to write about current events, they are temporal, and for the most part hold very little value in matters of the eternal.
The path that the majority of people are on is the path that the media has determined them them to be on, and sadly many Christians are just as easily led by these outlets as the lost are. Weaker brothers and sisters in Christ, whether they are newly saved or have been a child of Almighty God for many decades, are easily persuaded at times, and if there is one thing that the media is capable of doing besides leading astray all who will listen to them, it is in creating fear that they are best well versed.
As it has been written here before, any pastor who has determined to be led by this current fear of wearing a mask, a covering for his mouth and nostrils, is not fit to preach ever again from Philippians 1:21 “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain,” never again should he ever utter the words of abiding trust in Christ to his congregation, the words of obedience and trust in the protection of Almighty God should never pass his lips again. Those who locked their church doors in this time of fear instead of flinging them wide open for all who needed the comfort and assurance that can only be found in Christ no longer have the right to stand before any and preach that “perfect love casteth out all fear,” (1 John 4:18) that “the just shall live by faith,” (Romans 1:17) that the Rock of our salvation is our protection at all times. (Psalm 62:6)
These are my opinions, and I express no remorse for speaking them.
This arena of fear is all encompassing, it will destroy the faith of those who are not resting in the Savior, who do not think eternally, who are not willing to stand in the day of adversity, it will cause many to be ashamed at His coming. “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.” (Psalm 91:7) I will not tell you to wear a mask, I will not tell you not to, I will not tell you that you must stay six feet apart, I will allow all to make their own decisions in this and every other area of their lives, I am not your leader, I am nothing more than a messenger. The decisions that you make you will be held accountable for, but know this, trying to witness to a lost soul about how perfect love casts out all fear through a mask is going to be seen as nothing less than hypocritical, attempting to preach a sermon on those that did not and will not love their lives to the end is not going to be listened to with any intent of true faith by a congregation that has been informed they must sit six feet apart. If millions start dying, you can call me a fool, call me anything you want, but it will not change my perspective, I will not step into the kingdom of my Father until the exact moment that He says so, the exact time and way in which He has determined for me to, but you may rest assured in this fact, though I may be frightened beyond belief at the hour of my death, I will in no wise be afraid to stand before Him, for it is Christ I serve, not the world, not the fear of the unknown.
The herd, the brute beasts are telling us to be afraid, they are using every trick in the book to make all feel as if we are responsible for each other, that we must all pull together in this great pandemic of fear. Satan has pulled out all the stops, those who will not acquiesce to the fear will need to be ostracized, churches and their congregations must be made to toe the line, close the doors or face punishment, wear a mask or experience the wrath of those who do.
Fear is the key, it always has been, and it is not going to lessen any. Is this the last step? Only our Lord knows, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Matt. 24:36) Satan is well versed in the spiritual realm, he lives there, he can easily see when an opening arrives, and he will use these masks to every advantage that he can.
Who you serve and why you serve Him is up to you, but you must make the decision, do you fear dying more than you fear obeying, are you willing to show that trust right up to the very last moment.