The pattern of continuity is for many, if not most, a means of security, while for others it is a slow death.
It is much easier, and less complicated for those who abhor sameness, that continuous repetition, to assume that position for the sake of others than it is for the ones that find a form of security in repetition to move out of their comfort zone.
“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” (Matt. 6:7)
And so those that understand the need of those who require that repetition will themselves acquiesce to it for their sake, and in a fashion, for their sanity.
When the sameness, the repetition is altered, they falter, they hesitate and become unsure, the loop, as I call it, must be maintained as much as possible for them.
Consider the order of events in nearly any church, works-based or Evangelical, the order of the service is maintained for those individuals, the only alteration being the message of the service and the songs sung. To change the order would be to lose the security of sameness for those in the congregation, and therefore, in this regard, their faith does not grow.
Faith my friends is not based in feelings, it is by design stepping into the unknown. Testing the spirits yes, praying for direction and guidance of course, adhering to the Scriptures and the will of God before we take that first step, but there are few if any guarantees that the work will be profitable.
And there are none if we do not take that first step.
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (John 13:34)
Not to replace, but to add onto, faith is based on the promises of the Word of God, but if we never leave the security of sameness, faith will not be tested, and if it is not tested, it will not grow.
Long before the Lord called me to Himself I termed it thusly, “Get up, go to work, come home, maybe go on a vacation or two and call it life.” It sounded like death to me, I saw it as a rut, a grave open on both ends. But I also learned over time that even when some of the words were slightly altered, it was the way of nearly everyone on this planet, an unbroken continuity of repetition caused security within them, and attempting to inform them of the hazards of such a life fell on deaf ears.
“Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me.” (Acts 20:23)
Doesn’t matter, the word is to be preached, or else the hearing part of James 1:22 becomes a truth in the life of those who profess to serve the Lord, yet desire to remain in that life of continuous repetition.
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
Sunday after Sunday, week after week, without alteration, same parking spot, same spot in the pew, and then back out into the world hoping nothing changes.
Security or slow death?
You who understand this short letter understand we are not looking for excitement, we are not searching for anything the world has to offer, we want more of God, we want to be drawn closer to Him, we want the pressure of service for His glory laid upon us.
“Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.” (1st Cor. 8:13)
We do not leave them in that false sense of security, but we do not attempt to force to drag them into the brighter light. In no offensive way do I mean this, but in this regard, this manner of security they have chosen, they are fragile, and more harm than good may be done if love for them is not the driving force behind your words.
You have been blessed to be able to see through that dark glass a little easier than they can, do not try to force them to do the same.