He that split the Red Sea in two, who caused clean, pure water to gush from the rock, who destroyed those that came against the people of Israel when they lifted not even one sword. Healed the lame, made the blind to see, came into your heart and chose you for Himself, what would He not do for you?
When the cares of this world assail you, when troubles affect you personally, when life is more than difficult, harsh and uncompromising, when everything seems to be going wrong and nothing is getting better, recall this verse.
“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)
And this is one of the ways to gain the assurance of that truth.
“In your patience possess ye your souls.” (Luke 21:19)
We move through the time of this life as through molasses, we must live second by second, we cannot rush forward, and only in our imaginations can we turn back time. We have no choice in this matter, and although many of the circumstances of our lives we can alter, most we cannot.
Your Father in heaven can do anything He wants to do at any time, but He restrains Himself, He allows, and He modifies as He wills, always for His glory, and no matter what circumstances He deems best for us, we are to live for His glory.
Because of love, because of His sacrifice for us, because the Kingdom of heaven is given to us.
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)
Our forward looking view my friends goes beyond this life, death, the death of our flesh, is no more than a moment of time that begins our time in eternity. Those of this world have no concept of these truths, and many that I have met over the decades who profess to serve the Living God have heard these truths, these promises, but are still stuck in the molasses.
Here is what matters, what is happening right now in their lives, when things are going well, as they perceive that word, a smile is on their face, and they are willing to praise His Holy name. Not so much when adverse conditions arrive, when the future looks bleak, even frightening. They know that the Almighty could change their circumstances with a single word, yet He does not. And they begin to forget that the Kingdom is theirs.
How does one compare eternity to a few decades of life?
“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” (John 15:11)
“I wish I would have, I wish I wouldn’t have, why was I ever worried, why did I doubt and fear?”
These are the words that will pass through the minds of every person ever born again the first time they see the Lord Jesus Christ face to face. These are those former things my friends that will never be brought to mind again. These thoughts are what cause tears in heaven.
One second of the clock, the molasses of time, in patience possessing our souls because of Him who has promised, because He is faithful who has promised.
The Most High can do anything He wants to do, but He chooses not to, because we are not to search for our treasures here, this life is not where our rewards await us.
If you have been born again, you have already received the greatest reward that you will ever receive throughout all eternity.
“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” (Col. 3:3)
All these words once again, just to remind you of this truth.
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Phil. 1:21)