And what would you do with all that money?
My mother was raised in a part of war-torn Europe during the second World War where money was of so little value that it was used for toilet paper and to kindle fires.
How much is enough for you, what amount would you choose that would bring into your life a sense of contentment, of security towards your future? Imagine that large number and then think about the only two things that it can be used for, spend or save, and in all reality the second option there can only bring with it the aforementioned items, a sense of contentment or supposed security.
“And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.” (Matt. 5:40)
Spending it on family, friends, churches, organizations that serve the Living God for His glory, items of the world for yourself and then what? Perhaps wise investments as a hedge against a possible future of being destitute? How much would you need to leave in the piggy bank to keep fear away?
This is not the love of money we contemplate here, it is the fear that arrives in our minds when the bills cannot be met, when food becomes a luxury, when the savings account begins a downward spiral, and the Almighty begins to bring into reality 1st Timothy 6:8 in your life.
“And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”
Job lost all in one day, no time for fear, no time for thoughts of desperation to fester in the mind, no time to question the mercies and provisions of the Lord as the money slowly disappears and is not replenished.
Moving to a smaller place in the worst part of town, selling or relinquishing all you have spent decades obtaining, working three jobs just to pay the rent, utilities and purchase food with, and not even spare change left at the end of the week. And then even that is removed from you and your daily search is for food and shelter.
It’s easy for most of us to read Job 1:21, “And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” It’s easy because we dare not believe the Most High would ever place us in that position, that the things of this world, that security of “enough money” will always be there, that life is going to go relatively well and then we will die and be welcomed into His Kingdom.
In our minds, it would almost be better if He would remove all at once, instead of slowly, over time taking from us what we have come to find that false security in. Watching, experiencing for ourselves His mercies in that area dissipate, until there is nothing left but Him to rely upon.
Do you feel the fear now in these thoughts?
There are two, and only two groups of people in this area of contemplation my friends, those who would say, “Why is He allowing this to happen to me?” And those who would say, “Thy will be done.” I know which one you think you are, but you must look into your heart and ask yourself this question, does the Lord need to do this to me so that I can find the truth of what I believe I would say.
This short letter is not about the love of money, it is about where your security rests, not your eternal security but of the fear of having to live the rest of your life being content with nothing but food and raiment.
“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” (John 15:7)
And then as we do abide in Him, we sadly begin to not only expect the “extras,” but we slowly start to find comfort in them, almost as if we deserve them, and they, not our faith that we are safe in His hands becomes our security.
Do you believe your faith is strong enough to search for a place to lay your head each night? How much does He need to remove from you before you either question His will or begin to finally trust Him?