It must be terrible living a life of constant fear, wear a mask, stay away from people, get the vaccine, get all the booster shots, a life of what they would call extreme caution, but which is nothing less than fear. The anxiety itself, the constant apprehension that there is even a remote possibility that they will catch this flu bug sends them into hiding, and all for one simple reason, they do not want to die.
They gladly accept the lock downs, the mandates, the forced rules and regulations, in fact, they see them as necessary, the only hope for a continued existence, and that is all that matters to them, continue to exist. They want to be protected, and they are willing to relinquish nearly every freedom they have for that protection, they want to live above all else. Better yet, they just want to stay alive, they fear death, and that is the key to all that is occurring on a planetary scale.
Our adversary knows this quite well, “And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.” (Job 2:4) He uses people to achieve his goals, people who want recognition, people who want what we know is only temporary power, pride, envy, vanity, those who hold fast to these traits are his greatest tools. It took, at least in our interpretation of it, quite a bit of time to get the ball rolling on all that is happening today, control of the media, control of most governmental systems, the enabling of many, the inclusivity of all and every desire they have, the extinguishing of thoughts of sin, and the disposing of any thoughts of God. “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (2 Tim. 3:13)
We are primed for annihilation.
We try to warn them, to help them to see the truth, of not only the days of wrath that are approaching, but of the wasted life that they live in this fear that encapsulates them, but they see it as honorable, they see it as necessary for the continuation of not only themselves, but of the species, they do not see all that is being forced upon them as such, but as their duty to their fellow man. But all of it, every bit of it is based on one primal nature, the fear of death.
Those who have been born-again do not know this fear as we once did, those who trust in the Lord Jesus have had that part of them removed, it has been replaced with faith, it has been replaced with the unquestioning belief that what the Lord has promised is true, that all that He has said to us can be trusted. We suffer momentary anxiety, that is the flesh, “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.” (Romans 7:18) But we have no long-term doubts, those moments do not last, we have assurance.
Our greatest pain, if you will, is not those moments that plague us occasionally, but it is those who do not know this peace that passes all understanding, (Phil. 4:7) those that live in that nearly constant fear of the loss of their lives, because they will not listen.
These my friends are only the beginnings of sorrows, (Matt. 24:8) and not I or anyone else can tell you how much of them, those that love the Lord, must go through until we are caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord. (1 Thess. 4:17) What I do know is that we are not to fear, we are to trust in the Sovereignty of the Lord God, in the direction that He has chosen for each of us, in His ability to complete the work that He has begun in us. (Phil. 1:6) Don’t be surprised by anything that occurs in the coming days, don’t be amazed by the deceptions that the lost are falling into, don’t be concerned with the destruction of all that you have known, it is expected. Above all, do not fear, we are safe in His hands, and our death is the door that we must pass through to eternal life.