You can show them, you can put it right in front of their face, and it will not just be denied, it will be rebuked. The truth lives no more on this planet, it is being given only to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, those whom the Lord God has decided to give it to, those who fulfill the end of Matthew 24:24, “if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
The father of lies, (John 8:44) is getting a lot of help these days, along with the deceptions and diversions, it is becoming impossible for most to see the truth, and it goes far beyond their lack of desire to.
I once thought that the strong delusion that the Lord would send was only for the blinding of the eyes of the children of Israel to the truth of the antichrist, and while this still holds as truth, I neglected to foresee the need for the slow art, so to speak, of deception, for the delusion to begin. The masses of humanity rarely believe in anything at first sight, especially in this evolving technological age, even a spaceship landing on the lawn of the White House in the United States would be questioned by some. There was no moon landing, the earth is flat, and that man did not die on that cross, much less comeback to life.
There are two requirements to not falling into the strong delusion, and the first is the most important, you must be in complete submission to the will of the Holy Spirit in your life, in faith and trust in Jesus Christ and the Word of God, and secondly, you must not fear to look at the information that He is placing in front of you.
To see the truth, you cannot hide from the lies.
I liken this to most churches today, expressing a desire to learn more of the love of Christ, but denying the necessity of learning to rebuke and reprove in that same love. It is not as simple as adhering to one political parties’ statements and calling “the other sides” ideas conspiracy theories, the born-again believer is not to love the world, (1 John 2:15) but to hate evil, and deciding to adhere to any policy that the world places out there is to love the world.
We are to stand for Christ, for the glory of God, nothing else is to matter in our lives. If you have the desire or if you are commanded to speak to someone, whether it be in person or in an online social media forum, your goal is to lead them to Christ if they are not saved, to reprove and correct them if they are in error according to the Scriptures, or to encourage them to continue on the path that the Lord has placed them on if they are indeed living for the glory of God. These are the only three motives we are to have when interacting with another human being.
To speak to most today is more difficult than at nearly any other time, and I liken these days again to the times of Jeremiah, one man out of many who was shown the truth, the only one blessed with the knowledge of what was going to occur.
We know what is going to happen, the vaccinations will become mandatory, a precursor to the mark of the beast. “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Rev. 13:17) Violence will increase exponentially, “The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.” (Luke 12:53) The masses of humanity will continue to believe the lies placed before them, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (2 Tim. 3:13) We know these truths, because we are the elect.
These beginnings of sorrows (Matt. 24:8) will have a culmination, for those who remain alive until that day, (1 Thess. 4:17) will be a part of the rapture, the rest of us will also be a part of that glorious moment, but from the grave. Keep trying to reach them, do not stop, we are the only ones who know the truth, we must not grow weary in well doing. (2 Thess. 3:13)