Borrowed Truths

The Banner Of Love

the banner of love
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The Banner Of Love

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2nd Cor. 6:14)

Religious organizations across the planet are coalescing, and all under the banner of “God is love.” What I hear is “Why can’t we all just get along, after all, we serve the same God.”

No, we don’t, but it sure sounds good to those who cannot discern truth.

I have witnessed lately those that call themselves Protestants standing, in their words, with their brothers and sisters of the Roman Catholic cult, Mormons deceiving millions into believing the Jesus they serve is the same Jesus Christ of the Scriptures, every conceivable religious organization attempting to find common ground with each other, and that banner of “Love thy neighbor,” no matter the ideological or theological differences, is their foundation.

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Rev. 13:15)

The false prophet that will bring about a one world religion upon this planet may not be visible to our eyes today, but that does not mean he is not at work. While the world enacts laws prohibiting freedom of speech, the church of the false prophet is being built right before our eyes. And I can guarantee you from personal experience, that if you reveal to those who are being deceived by this gathering together the truths from the Scriptures, they will hate you.

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” (Matt. 24:24)

But I never thought I would see such deception in my lifetime.

There are no laws put in place by the religious sects yet to attempt to dissuade those who have eyes to see and ears to hear to keep them from speaking these truths, but that does not mean their anger towards us is of any lesser degree, it does not mean that they will accept those truths either, for in their mind what we are saying is that God is not love, that He does not just “love everyone,” that He will not accept them as they are with no need to repent.

Those who have a form of godliness but do not know the truth will vehemently defend the lies they believe, and it seems as if daily those who are being deceived are being given over to a reprobate mind in greater numbers. If you do not love your neighbor no matter what, the world today will find a way to punish you.

Soon, the religious community will do the same to those who will not join their association under that banner of God is love.

We are witnessing the beginnings of a one world religion that seems to be good to many, but it is evil incarnate, and it will end with billions of people going to hell.

Only the wisdom of God through the Holy Spirit can reveal these truths to you, and it is a rare congregation today that will not have anything to do with this darkness, that will stand against it. False prophets speak lies, and the deceived will believe them. 

“For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” (Matt. 24:5)

And what better way to deceive than to say that God is love?

If you meet them, ask them this question.

“Then who are the wicked that the wrath of God abides on?”

Perhaps it will shock them back to reality, but there is a good possibility that they will say, “You are, for you do not believe that God is love.”

I am slow, I should have seen this arriving long ago, what better way to bring all people, all religions together than with the pretense of love for all? What better way to enslave the masses than by allowing them to believe that they can live their lives as they choose to, and the Almighty will still love them? What greater banner to unite the world’s religions than under one of love?

Except if you do not love your neighbor as they say you should, you will suffer the consequences.

I pray you are one of the elect.

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