“For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,” (2nd Tim. 3:6)
One of the main structures of any church, whether it be a large or small congregation, or a gathering of people in the home of believers, is to instruct those present how to serve the Lord in a manner that is consistent with the Word and will of God. And while the Word of God is our foundation, this must include more than just the Scriptures, for if we are to test the Spirits then we must understand the wiles of the devil, as well as the vain imaginations of men who seek vainglory in Spiritual matters for themselves.
All those present who truly seek to lift up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God must be taught to recognize those who would attempt to sneak in unawares. This is not so much as the ability, the blessing of the Holy Spirit, to recognize and take the way out of temptations as it is the desire to fulfill 1st Peter 3:15.
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”
We cannot stand on the Rock of our salvation when the deceivers enter into our midst if we have not studied to show ourselves approved. But there is something else you must recognize in the opening verse to this short letter, inside that assembly there will be silly women.
It is not always the case, sometimes they will be silly men, men who have not studied, those who would rather follow without concerns in the matters of Scriptural truths, those who are easily led astray because the one who has snuck in has offered words that seem right, that seem Christlike and loving.
It takes great subtlety to erode the foundations of an assembly who seek to lift up the Lord our God above the heavens, to exalt His name, and our adversary has little difficulty finding those that are willing to do so.
The proof is easily seen today, nearly every major denomination that once served the Most high with fear and trembling is now reduced to nothing more than a place to go on Sunday morning to feel good about oneself, nearly every church that considers themselves Evangelical has allowed silly women, and men, to become major voices within their congregations, bringing with them doctrines of devils.
And in far too many instances, the one who stands on the podium, as he saw pews being emptied out over time, decided that sound Biblical doctrines was not enough to hold and captivate the interest of those of the assembly, and began to scratch their itchy ears.
“But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matt. 15:9)
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (2nd Tim. 3:13)
So subtle, just a small sidestep off the path, not so much a deviance from the profitable ways as an adding onto the known truths. Acquiescing to the desires of those who sit in the assembly, no longer standing firmly for the truths of the Word of God so that they will not feel too convicted, so that this new form of love can replace obedience in faith to the will of the Almighty.
Those who would deceive cannot sneak in if men of God will not be moved from the truth, the silly women cannot be led astray if they are Spiritually discerning, and those who would suggest that these new precepts should be allowed to be taught in a house or place of worship, who will not hear and accept sound doctrine must be removed from the congregation with that one who attempted to sneak in.
But that is not the way of today, is it? We would not want to offend, would we?
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (Gal. 1:8)