The mind, when under control, is a powerful force, ruled by force of will and determination, it has traversed land and sea, ruled peoples and nations, sought after and solved problems. But when it is used to control, to manipulate the minds of men, it is a dangerous weapon.
Our adversary is more than proficient in this, he is beyond brilliant and has had many thousands of years to perfect his craft, all towards a singular event. To be worshipped. But I offer you a verse of truth here, from the One who created the mind of man.
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” (2nd Thess. 2:11)
Satan uses temptations, no different really in form that what advertisers do, putting something in front of one of our senses to entice the mind to feel want, to desire that which we do not have. The Almighty is going to do it differently, and in my own personal opinion, I believe it has already begun. It confronts not only our senses, but alters our thoughts by His design, or perhaps I should say, the thoughts of those who are not His elect.
I am going to pose a question here in this letter to you, one that in my own mind I do not know if I should write, but I do as I am led to do. This verse must be taken in context with what has been said so far in this letter to you, and with that question.
“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” (Prov. 16:9)
Is the Living God directing the steps of those who will believe, and be deceived, by that strong delusion?
In my mind, a terrible question to ask, for it infers that it is Him alone that is protecting the elect from believing what is being sent, which, in this finite mind of mine which comes too close to that whirlwind at times, removes free will in this scenario.
What is and will occur is much more than what our five senses can perceive, it is intrusive into our, or their thoughts, and will cause them who are not the elect to believe what the Almighty wants them to believe. In a sense, I equate this to those in the wilderness to whom He said.
“So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.” (Heb. 3:11)
Only the elect are today, and will be, saved from this strong delusion that He is and will send, all others will believe the lie, because God has put it in their mind to do so. In part, I believe it has already begun because of 2nd Timothy 3:13.
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”
Once again, I feel as if I am missing a very serious piece of the puzzle, and it may be this, though I will not say in all surety. Those whom the Living God will send that strong delusion to may be those that He has already given over to a reprobate mind.
Those who would not be allowed to enter into His rest, those who, as in the days of Jeremaih, who would die by the sword or the famine. Their minds, by their own will and determination long ago decided to remain in rebellion against the will of the Living God, and that delusion is their just recompense.
For no matter my thoughts on this subject, the mind of man must retain in its entirety, the free will to choose our own path, less Romans 14:12 becomes a lie.
“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”
If you are hid in Christ, you are one of the elect, it is your honor and privilege, your responsibility to reach out to those you meet with His truths. Before it’s too late.