Borrowed Truths

That Moment

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Picture of Borrowed Truths

That Moment

What were the circumstances that brought you to the cross of Christ, what was the defining moment that prompted you to give up all control of your life to Jesus Christ. All of us have a story to tell of this moment, and not only is it a highlight of our lives to be able to share that moment with other believers, but it is an incredible witnessing tool towards those who are still lost. Our personal experience in coming to Christ as Lord is always a door of opportunity to reach those who are still in the world, and I believe throughout eternity these stories will be repeated again and again, all to His glory.

It is a moment in time for every believer that is etched indelibly in their memory, a picture in their mind that they see vividly and say to themselves, that was the moment I heard and heeded the call of my Savior, that was the moment I was crucified with Christ, (Gal. 2:20) and gave my life to Him. This is a precious moment to us, more than the birth of a child, a wedding day, or any other event that has happened to us. It is the moment we recall when doubt enters our mind as to our salvation, it is the one point in each of our personal memories that we can return to whenever we please and say, “Here is where I was placed upon the Rock of my salvation, here is where my life died and began.”

This one defining moment is all but impossible to forget, here is where we were blessed with a peace that passes all understanding, (Phil. 4:7) here is where all fear passed away, for here at this one point in time we were shown a love that casts out all fear, (1 John 4:18) the pleasures that await us for all eternity, (Psalm 16:11) here we were shown the difference between happiness and eternal joy. “For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matt. 22:14) And only the chosen know this moment, only those who are willingly being led down the strait path toward the narrow gate (Matt. 7:14) understand the incredible importance of this one moment in time.

Every aspect of our life was changed, every desire we had was cast aside as useless and self-serving, all hope for the profit and items of this world was seen as it truly is, frivolous and without any eternal value, even our own lives became as nothing to us unless they are in service to the Lord. At this moment we began to long for our eternal home, we began to desire a better home, (Heb. 11:16) one that this world can never offer us, we began to hate that which we once loved and adored. We began to see the world through the eyes of God, sinful, wicked, self-serving, self-centered, we were shown the truth of sin. We were shown the path, we were given the beginning instructions on how to remain on that path, we were called slaves to Christ, and held onto that title as the most honorable that anyone can receive.

At this moment we were filled with the entirety of the Spirit of God, at this moment we began to die to self.

There have been many precious moments since that one for all of us, to bring someone to the cross and watch them become your brother or sister in Christ, to see in their eyes and the reflection on their face for the first time the Lord Jesus, to watch the tears of joy fall from their face, and the burden from their back, to hear in your soul every angel in heaven rejoicing at that moment. And then to recall your own moment in history, that glorious day when your name was etched forever with the blood of Christ into the Lamb’s Book of Life.

There will be many other moments, moments of great joy mixed with incredible sadness, moments of watching as millions rush headlong into the abyss of eternal sorrow, the great anticipated moment when, by the grace of God, you will hear “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matt. 25:23) But that one moment that He stooped down from heaven to speak to you, to call you His own and bid you to follow Him, that my friends is the defining moment for us all.

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