I believe that when my lovely wife sees the Lord Jesus Christ in person, face-to-face for the very first time, she will run up to Him, hold Him and hug Him for a very long time, for she has a great love for the Savior. There will be many tears, of this I am quite sure.
When I first see Him, after He tells me that I can get up from off my face, I expect nothing, but a firm handshake would be just fine. Soldiers rarely hug my friends.
“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” (1st John 3:2)
You would be wise to ponder this moment in time, because it will happen, that is a guarantee, no one approaches the Lord of all creation flippantly, no one treats Him as an equal, although Satan attempts to speak to Him as one.
When you meet the Lord Jesus Christ for the very first time one of your thoughts many very well be, “What was I ever worried about, why did I ever fear, why did I have moments of doubt.” You will witness no wrath or anger from His eyes, you will not see anything but love, and that love that you should realize today will be there forever.
I wonder how long it will be before we take certain things for granted in heaven, for that is one of the natural dispositions of man, the longer we are around someone, the longer we are in possession of something, the easier it is to assume that it will always be there, that it will always be available. “Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.” (John20:17)
Love my friends can quite easily be taken for granted, that is why, in a sense, nations, religious organizations and even God-fearing churches set up “special holidays,” or as they are called in religious settings, holy days. Christmas and Easter come to mind here, times when part of us attempts to serve the Almighty with a fervency that should be within us continuously. The somber Good Friday evening service, followed by the Sunrise Easter morning one, all meant to pull out of us, if you will, some special recognition that should never leave us in our daily walk.
Love does not take breaks, it needs no special day of observance, one does not love more on certain days, or one must by default say they are loving less on those “normal” days.
But we have emotions, hence my beautiful wife’s hugs and tears, and the handshake of fellowship I envision.
He who created you awaits you, not just in person, but daily, if not every moment of the day. Love my friends knows no special occasion, it always rejoices, it never seeks its own, but the object of its love is its one desire. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
With this love comes a peace that passes all understanding, a trust that is never questioned, hope fulfilled, promises that are never doubted, friendship always relied upon.
When I meet Him I want to say I am sorry, for what is between Him and me, but you would also be wise to contemplate these thoughts, for He not only gave you life, but gave His life for you. Then, when that initial meeting is over, when you and He part ways, you will see wonders beyond anything imaginable, but your thoughts will always return to Him, you will look for Him amongst the crowds of your brothers and sisters, and if He turns His head toward you, He will smile, and you will once again know the meaning of true love.