Borrowed Truths

Thank You

thank you
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Thank You

“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Prov. 3:6)

How often do you say “Thank you” to the Lord, either in your mind or with your lips? Acknowledging the Almighty is not something most people do, unless there is an extremely adverse situation they find themselves in, a life-or-death condition, or when there seems to be no hope left. It is where He called many of us, at the bottom of that pit of despair, but sadly, when conditions return to a more favorable tenor, the majority do not stay with Him, in fact, they forget to even say “Thank you.”

When was the last time you thanked Him for a nice hot shower, for a clean pair of socks, for toothpaste or gloves on a cold day? Those things we take for granted are not promised, you know. “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” (1st Tim. 6:8)

“By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.” (Heb. 13:15)

Thank you. It is so easy to say, so easy to forget to say and is possibly one of the things that the Most High appreciates the most at times.

I am like most of you though, I forget, I take things for granted, I even expect certain things, but He is always faithful. Now, ponder this question if you will, when you meet the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time, do you believe that He will say “Thank you” to you?

One would have to consider for what, why would He that made all things be thankful to you for anything, what can we possibly have done that would cause Him to say those two words to us. Profitable servants do as they are commanded and more, we have obeyed in love towards Him to the best of our capabilities, offering ourselves as living sacrifices, dying to self for His glory. What possible reason could there be for Him to say thank you to us?

I can see myself saying thank you to Him, and then the Lord of all creation saying to me, “You’re welcome,” I just have a lot of difficulty reversing those roles.

Perhaps He is thankful in a way that cannot be explained, perhaps towards those who truly were profitable, who honestly devoted the entirety of their lives to Him, who did more than what could be called the average Christian.

Those two words must be real, people know when they are forced, but even a small child is taught when they are required.

“What do you say young man?”

“Oh yeah, thank you.”

“Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High:” (Psalm 50:14) I would presume most of you offer at least a short, well-rehearsed prayer before you sit down to a meal, perhaps one in the morning for His protection as you slept and one before retiring at night for the same. There is a promise attached to our opening verse, our path will be directed if we acknowledge Him in all our ways, but when it comes to saying “Thank you” to Him occasionally for those day-to-day things, those times that repeat themselves so very often, I would dare to say that it brings a smile to His face, for those two words are in themselves praises of thanksgiving, of sacrifice.

I simply cannot envision the Lord saying to me thank you, but I also cannot see Him calling me His friend.

What will suffice would be Matthew 25:23, “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

Do not forget to thank Him for those common day-to-day things occasionally my friends, they will assist you in never taking Him for granted.

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2.    Your first responsibility is to the Lord; “Honor the LORD with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase”: (Prov. 3:9)

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