Borrowed Truths

Teach Me To Suffer Well

teach me to suffer well
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Teach Me To Suffer Well

Lord, only bless me with that which in your infinite wisdom and knowledge you know that I will use for your glory. Teach my heart to serve you in joy and gladness, singing your praises continually.

Mold me into the image of your Son with trials and tribulations, with grief and sorrows, always aware that all that comes into my life is from your loving hands. Reveal to me how to never doubt the path that you have placed me upon, to walk boldly yet with humility.

Show me your face at times so that I will not be distressed. In that dry and thirsty land Lord, grant me moments of cool breezes, in the deep waters keep me from sinking into despair. Grow within me a heart of flesh that knows compassion, that can show even to those that hate me your everlasting mercy and kindness.

Teach me to suffer well.

It is said of women that if they have no wares to sell, they should not put their billboard out. My friends can you tell who those are that have been born-again by their clothing, their hairstyle, where they live? Or can you recognize them by their demeanor, those they associate with, the words they speak and actions seen by the world?

“What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?” (James 2:14)

No, but by grace through faith we are saved.

“Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?” (James 2:21)

By our works our salvation is revealed, not to God, but to those we meet.

We are to have our billboard out at all times, it is not covered up in certain company, it always reads the same and it is never altered in any circumstance.

We come face to face with our faults, with our shortcomings in our service to the Most High, and when they are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, we accept them as such, cast those fears and latent sins far from us, and learn from them.

The Almighty knows our heart, He sees our faith.

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.” (2nd Tim. 2:19a)

It is our responsibility, our joy to speak of Him, to reveal to those we meet what He has done for us and what He is willing to do for those who will call upon His Son for the salvation of their soul.

 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matt. 5:16)

All who love Him speak of Him. All who love Him serve Him at the expense of everything else in their life. Nothing is withheld from Him by us, and all He gives us is accepted as from a loving Father.

He teaches us to suffer well and for His glory.

Thank you Lord, for the moments beside the still waters, thank you for the strength and courage you have blessed me with to walk willingly and joyfully into the fire. I praise your name for counting me worthy to be a part of the fellowship of the suffering of your precious Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

I ask for strength to stand in the evil day, I ask for your wisdom to be able to navigate through these dark days, that you would be not only my light, but my shield. I give you thanks Father for all that you bring into my life, teach me to see the truth of your love in them, no matter what it is you have set before me Father.

Look upon me with everlasting mercy heavenly Father, remember that I am but dust. Set me in places of rest when the burdens become too much, walk with me in the valley of the shadow of death and take my hand to lead me to your eternal home when the work you have set before me is accomplished.

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