There is a great insanity sweeping across the entire planet, and to understand it you must understand this basic truth, evil is stupid.
It is beyond insane to attempt to stand against the Living God, no one takes Him to court, no one stops Him from doing all that He wants with His creation at any time He wants to. “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” (Malachi 3:6) Evil is beyond stupid, the wicked are stupid and the real problem is they will not realize it until that angel comes over to them at the Great White Throne of Judgment and casts them into the Lake of Fire.
Our responsibility is to tell them they are stupid, but I would highly suggest you do not use those words, at least perhaps not until every other possible resource has been employed. “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17)
Start with the Scriptures when speaking to them, always start with a verse or two from the Word of God, that sword will pierce through them just like the Word says, but it may not kill that stupidity.
I have often wondered if the Lord attempted to have a discourse with Lucifer before He cast him out of heaven, after those first thoughts of iniquity started to form in his mind, perhaps no different in a sense than when the Lord Jesus Christ offered Judas Iscariot one last chance with the words, “Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?” (Luke 22:48)
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (2nd Tim. 3:13)
Those who hold the highest positions of power in the world of man are deceived and they are deceiving many, and my friends those people to quote an old line here are dumb as a rock, they actually believe what they are being told by those who are truly the power of this age, those we wrestle against, the powers of Spiritual darkness. It goes far beyond the pride in their heart but has deceived them so thoroughly that they do not even see the reprobate mind they have been given over to. But it is not so much them I am concerned about as it is you.
Have you fallen into an overly concerned state about the way things are going, do you live in a type of fear every day, are you worried about your family and friends, are there many moments during your day that you feel a need to check what the latest breaking news is? The wicked are stupid, you are to be content in whatever state the Lord places you in, most people are being deceived, the elect will not be. But fear is a great tool of our enemy, and you must remember this, those tools that our enemies use against us are the ones that they understand the best.
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) Does Satan fear us? Not in the least, but he will leave the presence of one in whom the Holy Spirit dwells when that person realizes the truth of what he is attempting to do.
The minor temptations are coming to a close, the temptation for just one more day of life is approaching, and you will find in your life if the Lord God so decides the truth of Philippians 1:21, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Stupid people do not realize how stupid they are, your responsibility is to offer them the truth. You have the Sword, start using it.