You are more able to be in contact, if you will, with God by reading His Word than by miracles.
A completely foreign concept to most who profess Jesus Christ as Lord today. They, for the most part, are fixated on the next new sign, miracle, if you will, of the coming Rapture than on studying the Word of God on how to be profitable. The Charismatics are a prime example of this, searching for that next deeply emotional, uplifting moment, instead of finding joy and comfort in “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)
I have personally witnessed miracles, events that could not be explained by any other means than the hand of God, and although I was amazed, they did not put within me a desire to seek His face, the Word of God does. About the only miracles in the Scriptures that I can recall at this moment that the Lord Himself continued to remind the people of Israel about was when He brought them out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, and it was not the miracles specifically that He reminded them about, but the fact that it was His mighty hand that freed them.
I cannot count the amount of times I have seen on a church marque or bulletin the words “Expect a miracle!” If you want to see a miracle, look in the mirror and recall who you were before Christ, think on the Lord Jesus Christ on that cross, better yet, walking out of that tomb, risen from the dead. No, my friends, it is in the Scriptures, that is where we find the Lord.
The old saying is true, if you want to know the mind of God, read the Word of God, if you want to hear Him speaking to you, read it out loud. “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17)
The entire Word of God, and I speak here relative to the King James Bible, is God-breathed, written by the Holy Spirit, inerrant, without fault, and reveals to us not only the mind of the Living God, but His intellect and emotions towards us. His character, His love for us, what He desires us to be in this life and what He has prepared for us in the next. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (2nd Tim. 3:16)
In one sense, miracles are nice, they are astounding, but they are momentary in that regard, they encompass a particular point in time and then are gone, the Word of God will be forever, never forgotten, always and for all eternity available to us. To watch for that “next new sign” in a sense is like standing at the train station, waiting for the next sign, but missing the trains altogether. If you want to look for them, that is up to you, but in the meantime while you’re waiting for the next one, why don’t you pick up your Bible and see what it is you should be doing today.
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)
Miracles are not meant to assist you in growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, they are indeed sights to be hold, and can be more than encouraging, but they cannot take the place of that still hour, that time of fellowship that can only be found in the Holy Bible. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105)
You’re going to have an eternity of miracles to witness, now is the time to study to show yourself approved, useful for the Master’s work.
Read your Bible.