Borrowed Truths

Staying In His Rest

staying in His rest
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Staying In His Rest

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28)

Peace of mind, not physical rest, not freedom from the aches and pains, but peace of mind. In the knowledge that the world is on the path to the wrath of God, we have peace of mind, freedom from anxiety, from depression, from fear, this is the rest we have been promised, and I pray that you are living in it.

Not just in the assurance that we will walk on streets of gold, but in it today, as that unexpected occurrence enters your life, when something happens that completely blind sides you.

Our enemies attacks, although always given permission to do so by our Father in heaven, are not always subtle, we can at times be coerced into temptation slowly and methodically, but sometimes in an instant our entire life can be turned upside down by Him. Ask Job when you meet him what that was like if you have not experienced it for yourself.

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” (Isaiah 26:3)

Perfect peace is the rest we are promised, and that here my friends, much more so when we get home, but right here, right now this is available to you.

This is not the foolishness of the “name it and claim it” ideology of the Charismatic cult, this is not something you need to attempt by your own power to attain to, this is a promise. It does not come and go, it is not something we need to search for in those adverse conditions, I might even go as far as to say that it is not something we need to pray for on a regular basis, if you are hid in Christ, you have perfect peace, you are already being rested.

He has shown you the path of life and given you not only a light to find your way safely home to that strait gate, but a permanent, full-time guide to assist you in every moment in this life.

“And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.” (Deut. 31:8)

How much more peace than that could you ask for, how much more rest is there needed to accomplish what has been set before you than the promises already given?

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Romans 8:37)

The war has already been won, the battles can cause harm only to your flesh, the mind that serves Christ rests in the knowledge of these truths.

The patient servant that knows the love of his Master does not wait in anxiety, there is no fear of the loss of His protection, even with the full knowledge that his Lord has gone on a long journey, we know peace, for He has promised not only to never forsake us, but to protect us until His return.

In a wicked and depraved world, we strive for Him, but we do not despair, our flesh is nothing to us, for it will attempt to deceive us just as much, if not more, than our adversary will. We hold onto the promises, and in them we find not only rest and peace, but a joy unspeakable, for we will not someday be in the Beloved, we are in Him now, we are not waiting to be the righteousness of God in the Lamb of God, we are today.

Protected, provided for, every provision we need prepared and waiting for us to accomplish every single task that is set before us.

There is no match in this world for the rest we know, not one person can explain to us what true peace is, but we can to them. No fear, no anxiety, as I used to say in my younger days, “No pressure man.”

It is such a calming place when He reveals it to you, and know this for a truth, you are not only always going to be in His rest, you are in it now.

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