Borrowed Truths

Stay the Course

stay the course
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Stay the Course

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7) “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

We have arrived at a place in time in the history of man that is unprecedented, everything that you know is going to change as it relates to this world. The regulations that were enacted at every airport on the planet after the bombings in New York will seem lax as compared to what is coming. We do not know the specifics beyond what the Word of God tells us, and as born-again believers it is to be the only authority that we can trust.

Many years ago, when the Assyrians came to battle against a city, some that dwelt in that city would commit suicide, for the tortures they would inflict on those they were attacking were unspeakable. They would bring a very large army and basically camp outside of the gates of that city until it either surrendered or the people inside starved to death. Today we are beginning to hear the phrase “food insecurity,” and if one can traverse through the lies and rumors, it is quite easy to see that food will soon be used as a weapon against many nations and peoples. In more recent memory, when Adolf Hitler began his rise to power in Germany, the nation was pulled toward his goals because of monetary insecurity, my own grandmother used to tell of times when she would have to stuff her purse with as many bills at it would hold just for a loaf of bread or two. Today, with millions losing their jobs because of a mostly manufactured fear, money is starting to become a burden, or should I say a lack of it is, a foreseeable solution was exacted many years ago though, the enabled society and the digital currency that is fast approaching.

But there was one other thing that not only the Assyrians, Hitler, and every other supposed would be despot has known full well what must be employed when they begin to attempt conquest, there must be a scapegoat. The word infers a group of individuals who are made to be seen as the reason for the ongoing problem, and if those individuals were removed from society, not only would the current problem be solved, but all other problems would soon disappear. For many national leaders the main problem throughout the centuries has been the sons of Jacob, God’s chosen people, but along with them since the time of Christ, counted to be as much of a deterrent to the rise of man to his rightful place among creation, is the Christians.

If it is not the wearing of a mask in public, or soon verification that you have received the COVID-19 vaccination, it will be something else, obedience is expected, and will be mandatory very soon. There is no one single sign that will be shown to us that we are nearing the end of the age of grace, but many, and few I believe are truly seeing all of them as a whole. Who are you going to serve is going to be the main question that is going to need to be answered by every born-again believer on this planet soon, and my friends, that answer may be the determining factor of where you will spend eternity.

Do not be too hasty in your mind at this moment, when they turn your heat off in the deadly cold of winter, and tell you that it will be turned back on, or that you may enter the designated warm building, if you obey first. When you are turned away at every market and grocery store because you have refused to offer the proper documentation, when they say that your cash is nothing more than worthless paper and metal coins, and they will accept no payment except digital, then you will need to make up your mind who you are going to serve. Those who call Christ Lord and mean those words have no problems with the stipulations that the world will attempt to impose on them soon, they will stand when it is time to stand, for the just shall live by faith.

The entire point of this letter to you is not to instill fear, it is not to say that I have been blessed with some new revelation from the Lord, I have not, but I have been blessed to see that the leaves on the trees are changing. (Matt. 24:32) The point of this letter is simple, to instill conviction, the conviction that He who has promised is faithful, that “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain,” (Phil. 1:21) because my friends, you may be asked to do just that for Him. “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” (Rev. 22:12) But He never shows up unannounced, and that is exactly what He is allowing us to see right now, the beginnings of sorrows.

We were all given responsibilities long before the advent of these days, continue to do what it is He has assigned to you until He changes your course, obedience to His will and Word is how the world can tell that we do not belong to it. As my more than patient with me adoring wife just read for us tonight, “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9) Believe these words as if He was sitting right beside you and speaking them to you, trust and obey, and your reward will be great, but prepare your heart to possibly have to suffer for Him first.

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2.    Your first responsibility is to the Lord; “Honor the LORD with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase”: (Prov. 3:9)

3.    You must consider your family after your first responsibility; “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” (1st Tim. 5:8)

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