Borrowed Truths

Speaking Truth

speaking truth
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Speaking Truth

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17)

When you offer someone the truth, verifiable truth, and they do not believe you, it does not really matter, does it? There is no reason to debate or argue that truth with them, if there is no way that they will accept the truth, all the talking you do to them will not force them to believe it. “Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.” (Prov. 14:7)

Math, a subject I have always desired to be proficient in and have continuously failed at, is the universal language, numbers are the same no matter where you live on this planet, one plus one will always equal two, that will never be changed. There are people who are pretending there are more than two genders, people who believe there is more than one way to heaven, people who are being deceived in nearly every dogmatic, absolute truth in this world, but the question must be then, just what is truth?

The Lord Jesus Christ remained silent when Pilate asked that question of Him, but when He was praying one day He said, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17) He knew the answer to Pilate’s question, why did He not answer him? “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

How long did Paul speak with Agrippa before he said, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” (Acts 26:28) Absolute, verifiable, unquestionable truth is found only in one place, the Word of God, if you want people to know the truth, you have only one resource to turn to, the Scriptures. You must remember though, most will not believe you, they want to know the truth, but like the license plates used to have on them in the state of Missouri in the United States, “The Show Me State,” they will want proof.

“Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.” (1st Peter 2:12)

So then, these truths that you know for a fact are undeniable in the Scriptures, if the person you are speaking with will not believe them, if they refuse to accept them as such, what’s the plan? You could give them your testimony, your life before and since Christ, an example of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit for the glory of God, perhaps that might incline them a little more towards the truth. You could possibly offer them secular historical documentation that corroborates the Scriptures, perhaps scientific observations that validate certain parts of the historical records from the Word of God, but more than likely even though it might persuade them somewhat, they will still want proof that can be documented in their own lives.

If they will not listen, what is the next step you have planned out. If you are going to witness to people, if you are going to seek for the lost amongst the wicked, you will need a plan formulated if it comes this far in the conversation.

How about this? “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16)

Pray for them, pray without ceasing until you are called to stop praying for them. They will come to the realization of those truths in one of two places in their life, either at the moment they are saved, or the moment they open their eyes in hell. Your responsibility is to speak truth to them, leave the rest to God.

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