How does He do it, even with His longsuffering, His infinite patience, how does God continue to look upon all this suffering and pain and still be able to function? I know the verse as well as you do, “These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes.” (Psalm 50:21)
He doesn’t think like us, not even close, we are as far away from the Lord as we will ever be in this regard, and we will never be any closer than what we are right now, no matter how long eternity is.
I rarely, if ever know exactly what the Holy Spirit is going to have me write each day, and nearly every evening, and I cannot explain it to you, I simply obey and write as I am led, my beautiful wife types them up for me, and then you read them here on the website, it is that simple. But sometimes, as I am writing, I see what it is He wants to say to you, and I do not envy you if you are a person of compassion, of deep feelings, for if you continue to read this letter, it might hurt.
How many billions, could we use the number trillions, of animals, creatures of the Most High’s ingenious design have suffered, from turtles with plastic rings around their necks, to bears born with no limbs, kittens born blind, dogs maimed horribly by men and left to suffer, writhing in pain, waiting for death. Can you see the image, have you seen these things, do they bother you.
Babies burned and scarred with cigarettes, tossed into trash bins like garbage, women beaten everyday by abusive men, crippled individuals with no hope, war veterans committing suicide each day by the dozens, if not more. Can you see them, does it bother you.
Abandoned children on the streets, raped, then murdered, animals being tortured in the name of science, and those people and animals that are tortured just for the sake of enjoyment by individuals who suffered torture by those that were supposed to love them. How many pictures have I painted, how many visual memories have become fresh in your mind, like a wound reopened, pain of others remembered, perhaps even your own pain.
Billions of people causing immeasurable pain and suffering, screams of the tormented, cries of the oppressed, the sobbing of the hopeless.
How does He do it, how in His own glorious name has He spent all these thousands of years watching more pain and suffering than you and I will ever witness, and still retain His holiness, His righteousness. Better yet, how has He not said “Enough.” He did once, but He left eight of us alive, once the lion laid down with the lamb, but the action of Adam changed all that. And yes, He is going to do it again, but for a thousand years it will still continue, and unless I am mistaken, and I hope I am, according to Revelation 22:15 it is going to continue forever.
I can’t think on these things for very long, it hurts too much, and I don’t like to cry, or be frustrated, or get those feelings that I want to go throw somebody in a cage for what they did to that child, to that dog, to their wife or child. I know, soon it will all be over, the signs are sure, but that doesn’t change anything, right now as you are reading this someone is doing something very bad to someone else, and God is not doing anything about it.
His pain, as we think of pain in our hearts when we contemplate these things, is beyond anything we will ever know, or ever be able to imagine. “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” (Isaiah 53:3) I rarely know what He is going to have me write, and I am sorry you had to read this.
3 thoughts on “Sorrow We Will Never Know”
Matthew 6:34
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
I have also seen and heard of so much evil in our country where there is no fear of God, but i will not mention any of that you have already in your post. I will add something that i experience frequently in our so called christian community, i.e, abandoning the elderly.
I engage with those elderly and find out their needs. The main thing i did found out they have no one to talk. They literally cry,…..and at that time i do not know how to comfort them. I just stand with them for hours and they just empty themselves..
James 1:27
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
“He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.” Proverbs 21:21. By suffering with them, you suffer for Him. “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;” Phil. 3:10
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