We are pet people, my lovely wife and I, some might say that we have one or two too many, but they are our friends, we have room for them, and they needed a home. There are a couple of stray cats that show up to our door occasionally looking for something to eat, and we oblige them. They are friendly and ask for nothing more, save for an occasional scratch behind the ears, but it is easy to see that they do not know the love and security of a home.
There has to come a time in a person’s life though when one must say “no more,” no matter how affectionate, no matter their pleading to come inside when the weather in inclement, you can’t save them all, you simply love the ones the Lord has given you as best as you can.
All those who love Jesus Christ obey His commandments, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15) and one of the greatest that we were given is to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) There are times though when we must treat them like those stray animals that want a home and someone to love them, we must realize when it is time to stop casting the pearls of the Lord before swine. (Matt. 7:6) We will continue to feed them the Word of God whenever we may meet them, but we are not going to invite them to come and live with us. “What communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14)
And while we are to open our homes to those in need, we are also to be wise, and the wise man does not invite the wicked man to come and live with his family. Here is where the Spiritual discernment of the Lord given to us by His Holy Spirit is to be listened to, for many are unable to tell who of this world they should invite into their homes, and those that we are told not to invite in. As in the case of 2 John 1:10 even those who have professed to be our brothers and sisters in Christ, yet have determined to live a life of sin, we are to treat as gentiles, how much more then those who are blatant sinners, those who not only deny the Lordship of Jesus Christ, but openly mock Him and use His name as a curse word.
Wise discernment in this area has been replaced with “Just love everybody, all the time,” which in turn has led to the enabled, inclusive society that is permeating almost all of life, which in turn will lead to a universal, world-wide basic income. This of course is all part of Matthew 24:8, “All these are the beginnings of sorrows,” and those who have been blessed by the Almighty with ears to hear and eyes to see have seen it approaching for a very long time now.
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13) Yet at the same time, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matt. 22:14)
It brings upon me great sorrow at times, seeing the way that some of those animals that arrive at our door desire affection, and then, after feeding them and perhaps petting them for a while, shutting that same door, and leaving them to fend for themselves against the elements and all the other dangers out there. I could have just as easily changed that sentence to read, it gives me great sorrow to feed so many people sometimes with the Word of God, and them listen to them mock Him, and me, and then shutting the door against them, no longer casting the pearls of the Lord to those who despise Him.
It may take you a few moments of contemplation here to compare this verse with all that is written in this letter, but I believe it is imperative that you do. “But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.” (Matt. 25:9) I ask you to seriously think about what this means, and then determine if there is someone in your life that you are supposed to shut the door on and leave them to fend for themselves. It requires the ability to understand, and live, in sorrow.