Borrowed Truths

Shifting The Blame

shifting the blame
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Shifting The Blame

Pass the buck, shift the blame, and if you can’t, give some form of excuse that seems reasonable, that you hope will be accepted by the accusing party. Anything, as long as the blame is not placed on you, because then you would be held accountable for your actions.

“And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” (Gen. 3:13)

“And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” (Gen. 3:12)

Did you happen to notice that the serpent gave no excuse? Perhaps it was because Satan was still within it, and if the Almighty was speaking to the serpent, then our adversary would not have allowed it to speak, but when our Lord spoke to Satan, his only answer, in my finite mind, would have been, “So what? You have already damned me to an eternity in the Lake of Fire.”

We like to hide, we like to find a place of refuge from being held accountable for our actions, but worse than that, we like to hide from ourselves. We create false memories to assist us in coping with the past, we formulate thoughts within our minds to help us feel better about ourselves, and if that doesn’t work, we place the blame on others.

This verse, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Gal. 4:16) can just as easily by transferred to ourselves by stating it this way. “Because I tell myself the truth about myself, I hate myself.”

And people do that all the time, my friends.

Pass the buck, shift the blame, and for some of those who have been born again it is just as easy to blame your old sinful nature, that way, in their minds, it isn’t really their fault.

“Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.” (2nd Sam. 12:14)

And that haunted David for the rest of his life, the child paid the price for his sin.

Have you noticed how three of those in that account in Genesis received personal curses, while one did not? Eight hundred plus years of a life at times filled, consumed by regret. Even the earth itself paid the price for Adam’s sin, and still is.

It’s easier to hide, to act as if it didn’t happen, and if any possible repercussions arrive, simply shift the blame.

“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” (Romans 14:12)

I believe in that moment of accounting every one of those attempted falsehoods are going to be brought into the light, I think we will be shown all of those things we should not have done, as well as all those things we should have, and when we look around for someone to blame, there will be no one there. Not the ones you believed and followed, not the people that beguiled you, not even Satan, just you.

Start looking into your life at what you like to call those viable reasons, and start calling them by what they are, excuses. Start seeing your past as it really was, begin to look at the present as it really is, and see for a truth why it is where you are today.

Who can you honestly blame but yourself?

Now of course there are certain circumstances, many of them in fact, where evil, despicable people may have enacted their will upon you by force, and those must be looked at as such, but how much has been your fault, and how much of the blame have you tried to shift onto others?

What you do with this letter is entirely up to you, but I know this, the sooner that you apply these truths, the less you will fear that day of accounting.

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