Most of the steps of faith that believers in the Lord Jesus take are almost constantly colored by their own perceived abilities, and by doing so we have hindered the work that the Holy Spirit within us would have us to do. We are in an age of what I have best heard described as “Common Christians,” those who are resting in the assurance of their salvation though they can offer up to view little to any proof of that saving grace they claim, those who see mediocrity as a high goal. Their emotional state, the current circumstances of their lives, and their own perceptions of themselves is the driving force behind what they call their faith.
These have determined that if life is going well, then they are pleasing in the sight of the Lord, that when suffering and tribulations arise, the Lord is displeased with them, in an odd way it is prosperity theology of the emotions. Their trust in Christ is based on perception, not faith, it wavers like the sea, every wind can toss it to and fro, they have no rock to stand on, for what is happening around them is more important than the eternal promises. In part, this is the normal attribute of man, Adam wanted more even before he ate of the fruit, (Gen. 3:6) those whom Jesus fed only wanted to be fed again tomorrow, (John 6:26) the majority of those He healed did not even remain long enough to tell Him “Thank you.”
Many who are called by Christ to act upon His behalf first ponder the possible consequences, rare is the man whom the Lord speaks to that immediately arises and obeys, such as Abraham (Gen. 26:5) or the apostles who immediately left all, (Matt. 19:27) we ponder, we weigh in the balance the possible detrimental consequences, and then we judge within ourselves whether it would be a wise decision to follow or not. Many there are who will not walk in faith because of the possible repercussions to themselves, and this path has led to the inevitable conclusion, I am not my brother’s keeper. “Go into all the world” has been modified to “Just invite them to church,” “Reproofs of instruction are the way of life” (Prov. 6:23) has been changed to “Do not be judgmental.” The burdens of our brothers are not to be carried with him, (Luke 11:46) but are mentioned only in passing, and in proper order, at each Sunday morning service.
We are not givers, we are takers, we want God to perform for us and we offer in return only mediocre service at best, the least possible while expecting the most from Him. Our faith is determined by how we are served, hard times and we cry out, good times and we forget and become apathetic, we have not changed since day one. A servant does not question the command, he obeys, it is not his own welfare that he gives thought to, to the man of God disobedience is as a shameful death, to dishonor his Lord by not trusting in Him completely and totally is disrespectful to the point of all loss. Faith is what determines the character of a man, and a man who does not trust in Christ has little character save for that which he falsely perceives within himself.
We live in the age of do as little as we believe is necessary to stay in the good graces of God, of serving when it is beneficial to us, of perceiving ourselves as Christians when we perform only the most minor service. The ritualistic theater of Sunday morning is called church, the traditions of men are called worship, and if the building or the chain around our neck bears the cross, then we are Christians. If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck, right?
My ministry at this point in my walk with Christ is to write letters and make videos to individuals who have been called by God to search Him out more diligently, to not rest on the path, to die to self, (Gal. 2:20) to come to the realization of what the word Sovereign means and the only One that it can ever be applied to. I write to those who want nothing more than to serve in fulness of heart, but who in humility know they have no right to ask it of their Lord. Some who are reading these letters I have been commanded to write will be left behind at the Rapture, others will be convicted by the words of Scripture that they contain, they will forsake all for Christ, the burden of His love will rest heavy upon their hearts, they will finally die to self, and seek to serve in all humility. I do not know which one you are, but I know which one you should be, which one you are commanded to be, and in faith is the only way you can be a servant who truly serves.
When He calls, the answer is to be “Yes Lord,” not “Let me ponder the possible consequences,” the possible outcome of not serving Christ cannot be weighed against the circumstances of serving. “The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:17)