“The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:17)
And by unanswered questions, and through frustrations, pain, trials, tribulations, in a world that hates you and people who mock and ridicule you, torture and kill you.
To be crucified with Christ hurts, every one you know that does not serve the Lord Jesus Christ becomes a wicked person in your eyes, family and friends, the wrath of God abides on them and they not only do not realize this truth, they will not admit it to themselves, but they will fulfill Galatians 4:16 in your presence, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”
I do not know anyone who has truly been crucified with Christ that is admired and loved by the wicked, they may pretend courtesy and affinity while in their presence, but they will despise them to their back. All who follow a works-based religious cult or who have attempted to convince themselves that they have lived a good enough life to gain entrance into the Kingdom of the Most High despise Jesus Christ. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 is to them a pride filled, self-centered statement that they will always try to find a way around.
Contrary to the popular belief of many of those who profess Christ in this age of the apostacy, following the Lord Jesus hurts, it costs everything, nothing can be withheld from Him. You cannot sit in the pews and sing, “Where He leads I will follow,” get up, head back into the world, place your interests above His and consider yourself saved. Many are deceived in this area, and of their own free will.
The just live by faith because they are convicted by the Holy Spirit to do so, and they heed that conviction. It matters little the circumstances that surround them at the moment, nor the possible consequences to themselves, this is immaterial, they are immaterial, that God be glorified is the singular pursuit of their lives. Feelings will be hurt, so be it, family and friends will leave your side, employment positions will be lost, most will desert you. So be it.
The apostacy is not led by those who live by faith, but by men pleasers and self-appreciating individuals using the Lord Jesus as a pretense to never offending, always being polite, being courteous at all times no matter the circumstances. Being adamant when the truth is known is frowned upon, all judging is seen as judgmental, and the world has picked up on what started in the churches effectively. Opinions can now place one in peril of the law, truth is called disinformation, and being impolite can cause one much suffering.
Sin has no need to seek a foothold in the world, or in any works-based religious organization, only where the Lord Jesus has sat in the pews. Sadly, but by their own choice, they have left Him to stand outside the door and knock today. They no longer live by faith, but by what is deemed right by the world. One only need to look in the recent past to see this truth, the CDC became the god they decided to follow. Excuses abound in these days, “Thus saith the Lord” is questioned, debated, voted upon, and then common-sense overrides faith.
And it is only going to get worse.
The just live by faith, no matter what the answer from the Lord is to their prayers and supplications, no matter if He speaks from the thunderstorm or is silent, faith in Christ is not determined by the actions of the Lord toward us. It rests upon the Rock that is Christ, it dies to self, it cares not the path the world is taking, faith follows where He leads. We have passed the crossroads, the hand of God is being removed, the hedges are being lowered. Prepare to meet thy God.