“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” (1st Cor. 3:6)
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” (John 12:24)
Someone has to plant the seed, someone has to step outside of the church building, go out into the field, which is the world, and start planting seeds. It is an action that is performed, it is words spoken backed up by a life lived, one can rarely happen without the other, unless there is someone that you are in direct contact with over a very long period of time that watches your every move intently, actions of life rarely draw others to Christ, words must be spoken, the words of truth that can only come from the Scriptures.
And how could you do less? How can anyone who says they have been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ not speak about Him?
What are we to consider about the one who attends church regularly, participates in many of the activities of it, but who does not show up on Sunday morning with a new person by their side occasionally, one desiring to hear more about the Savior, one who does not speak of the Lord God amongst those they meet in the world?
If no seed is planted there can be no harvest.
Many who stand behind the pulpits of the churches these days that claim to serve the Living God preach on how we are to present ourselves in public, how we are to behave as believers, how we are to act, but not how to witness to the lost. They dwell on passages of Scripture that speak of that seed, but they make little attempt to convict their congregations to go out and plant them themselves. Their hope is that the Holy Spirit will convict them and so there are no tests, if you will, as there are in school settings, where information is offered and then in a few days the student is obliged to attempt to place the correct answers on the test of the subject matter. Seed planting has not been a priority of the Evangelical church for many years now, trying to be the best Christian you can be has.
It is easier to study to show yourself approved than it is to give an account of your faith to all that would ask you of it, is it not?
Hiding that Word in your heart and never revealing it to others, never seeking the lost, never planting a seed is like the one who was given one coin and buried it, and recall what happened to that unprofitable one. No, my friends, do not deceive yourselves here, if you are not seeking for the lost, if you are not speaking of the One you profess to love, if you are not doing the most simplest of tasks, planting seeds, then you are not saved, this is clear in the Scriptures in many places.
Feed the poor, visit the sick, help the homeless, if they do not know that you are doing so because of your love for the Savior of the world, you are no more than a nice person offering another helping hand.
“For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” (Mark 9:41) The “in my name” part has been left out in the lives of most who profess to know Christ, the seeds are left in the bag while they assist those in need, they have buried the only coin they ever had.