Borrowed Truths

My Closet

my closet
Picture of Borrowed Truths

My Closet

“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” (Matt. 6:6)

These letters, for all intents and purposes, are in a way how I enter into my closet to meet the Lord. As I have mentioned before, I do not plan or prepare specifically for each successive one of them, in fact, until I see the first few words on my paper, I have no real idea what will be the topic or context of them.

I would not suggest that every time you enter into your closet, no matter what location it is in, that you do the same, we must enter into His presence boldly, and as such you should have prepared at least in part what it is you want to say to your Father in heaven. But there are times when we should speak on impulse, letting the words flow without much forethought, for in this you will hear yourself speak about what is truly on your mind.

These letters to you are, in a way, a representation of what I am trying to convey, without pre-planning, without making notes and outlines, without practicing, if you will, what I want to write, I let the Holy Spirit do that. And is not that in a sense what our deepest most heartfelt prayers are?

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Romans 8:26)

We are allowed and blessed at times to hear the Holy Spirit speaking for us, knowing that He has said exactly what we wanted to say, but were unable to put in the proper words.

In a sense that I cannot convey properly, I watch as the Lord uses my hand and pen to put words on these papers that I did not plan out, that I did not pre-think. And it amazes me every single time.

Some of the subject matters that appear are not and never have been a serious factor in my life, but some of the comments on the YouTube Letters of Truth site reveal that they were the exact thing that person needed to hear. Others are items that I have and am experiencing and have found by those same comments that I am not alone.

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jer. 33:3)

This old man saw no real purpose in his life for Christ, until He asked me to pick up this pen. Doing all I could to draw my lovely wife, who was not saved when we met, to the cross is what consumed me, and He has blessed her with a heart that reflects His own.

Do not ever think that when one task has been completed that the Almighty is finished with you, far from it. If your desire is to see the name of the Living God exalted above the heavens, and you pray diligently for Him to use you, there is work available, if you will accept it. Grief and sorrow, pleasures and joy, fulfillment and abandonment by nearly all you will meet.

My closet, these letters, are precious to me, they are my way of leaving all behind to sit at His feet and listen, and each time I am amazed at what I read.

I cannot be who He wants me to be, I cannot be what I write, but I try. They are for His glory, not mine, they are to lead you to Him, not to me. I am no more than a catalyst, an empty vessel that is blessed to be filed twice a day, and then poured out, waiting anxiously to enter into that fellowship with Him again, into my closet.

No matter where your closet is, go there often, if you can set a specific time if possible, do so, twice a day if you can. He may not have you pick up a pen, but I can promise you this, He will write upon your heart truths with love.

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