The knowledge that we have been blessed with we are to share, it is part of the agreement, if you will, wisdom is not imparted to any of God’s children who will not share that wisdom with all they meet. At the very least, even if you have only been saved for one day, you have the knowledge that Jesus loves you, that He has saved you from your sins, you have a testimony of who you were yesterday, and why you are no longer that person today.
But the longer you are saved does not necessarily infer the more wisdom you have, in fact, for many, the longer they walk with the Lord the less they seem to move along the path, they choose to find a spot to rest and simply wait instead of searching for His grace and knowledge. If you ask for wisdom, you will receive wisdom, (James 1:5) but you must ask, and you must count the cost, “For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.” (Eccl. 1:18) It is not just the wisdom of God, but also the wisdom of the world that you will receive, just not in how the world uses its own wisdom.
You will begin to see through the lies, you will start to understand how it works and why, who it serves and why, and you will begin to see that indeed the wisdom of the world is foolishness. (1 Cor. 3:19) It is part of the deal, so to speak, and it is the reason for the sorrow and grief that Solomon spoke of. It is a path that we all to one degree or another, should be on, for that is where the lost live, in the foolishness of the world, and since we once were there, (Eph. 2:2) and now know the way out, it is those with wisdom that the Lord will use to bring those lost souls to the cross.
As you have heard me say many times, to know the totality of a thing, we must know the inverse of that thing, and only the wisdom that the Lord can impart to a man will show you the truth of the foolishness of the wisdom of the world. It is the answer to Proverbs 21:12, “The righteous man wisely considereth the house of the wicked: but God overthroweth the wicked for their wickedness.” Not to become as they are, but to miss those pitfalls ourselves, to assist those who are wicked in seeing that wickedness in themselves in the light of the Scriptures, and the love that Christ has for them.
Therefore we must study to show ourselves approved, (2 Tim. 2:15) it is why “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Because without faith it is impossible to please Him, (Heb. 11:6) and without wisdom, even in the smallest of His truths, it is impossible to serve Him. What each of us should want, or if you please, should seek for, is to be the best possible servant of the Most High that we can be, to be willingly submissive at all times to whatever He calls us to do, and without His wisdom imparted to us, we will never reach what it is at times that which we do not even know that we desire.
This is the path that all of us are on valley after peak, peak after the valley, but wisdom will almost certainly ensure that the valleys will last a little longer, will seem a little darker, because the foolishness of the world, the pride, envy, lust, and self-righteousness will become clearer with each passing day. Frustration lives here, for most will not listen, righteous anger lives here, for many do not see Him as Lord, sorrow is here, along with grief, that is a promise. But joy beyond comparison also resides here, for with wisdom comes the knowledge of the will of God, the ability to discern between good and evil grows with each passing day, His truths not only become clearer, but self-evident, and thus our trust in Him grows. The Lord will give you all the wisdom you can handle, and sometimes more than we want to have, all you have to do is ask.