Do you by any chance know what many pastors say the most difficult thing to get the members of the churches they lead to do is? One might think it to be witnessing, for this is not a trait that is known to be employed by most believers anymore, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ is not exactly a priority today. Perhaps it is simply attending church, at least on a regular basis, the general population is more hit and miss, if you will, in this respect, it seems to be either based on obligation with no desire for true worship, the necessities must be observed, or it is when difficult times arrive. Churches are most generally packed when disasters come upon us.
It is neither of these, nor any of the others one might think of, unless you already are aware of the answer, which is simply reading their Bibles. The percentage of people who attend church, even on a regular basis, and who read the Word of God daily is so low that it is an embarrassing number to place on paper, and this does not even include the question of how many are studying to show themselves approved.
There was a day not so long ago that one would find in any evangelical church only two books, the Word of God and a hymnal. These are what the services revolved around, these are all that was needed to draw a crowd, the inerrant Word of God and the songs that praised His name. Many that arrived held well-worn Bibles, not just because they had been handed down from generation to generation, but because they were being read, used, studied over diligently each day, several times a day. Why, because people had more time? I thought that was the reason for all of this technology, so we would have more time, that our time could be used in a more efficient manor, giving us, supposedly, more time for personal endeavors.
No my friends, it is not church attendance or lives devoted to the Most High, it is simply pleading with the congregation to pick up the Scriptures and to begin to seek the face of God. Since the majority will not though, church itself had to be altered, entertainment of every sort needed to be invented to bring them into the halls meant for worship. One must wonder if Christ was standing outside of the door of some of these churches, would He be listening to His name being praised, or preparing another whip before bursting in. (John 2:15)
The lack of the congregation’s Scriptural studies has led not to pastors correcting and reproving in this area, but has brought them to the will of the masses, it is almost impossible to find a church today where the name of Jesus is lifted up, where God is exalted above the heavens, (Psalm 57:5) where the Holy Spirit is sought in tears. Many are nothing more than gathering places for gossip and rumors, clubhouses with members only signs outside, places where the will and desires of the people are attended to, and not the oracles of God. The saying is true, the Bible that is falling apart usually indicates a person that is not, today, many carry them only for show, when they arrive back home they are put back in their special place until they are required again next weekend, much like a set of car keys, but the keys get much more use. As does the cell phone, the television, and any other of those items that were intended, so they say, to make our lives free from the mundane burdens of life.
Why is the love of many grown cold, (Matt. 24:12) why have Christians no desire to fulfill what they like to call the “Great Commission,” (Matt. 22:37-38) why will more show up when the entertainment of the world is offered than when the Word of God is preached. Their ears have become dull of hearing, (Matt. 13:15) and those who will listen will only pay attention when their ears are tickled. (2 Tim. 4:3) The opportunities that the Lord God is giving us are almost at an end, our salvation is closer than when we first believed, (Romans 13:11) my hope is that all would be searching the Word of God diligently each day for the truths, instead of watching on their cell phones the news that it is too late, the Lord has come for His church, the tribulation period has begun. I bet they pick up their Bibles then.