Borrowed Truths

It Will Not Be All of What You Thought

it will not be all of what you though
Picture of Borrowed Truths

It Will Not Be All of What You Thought

When we come back, this world is going to be a serious mess, and although we may understand much better after we are glorified, I do not believe that many people really think about that part of “heaven,” if you will. After the marriage feast, during which time the tribulation period will be occurring here on earth, (Rev. 4 to appr. 19:3) we will return with the Lord to this earth, or what is left of it.

The Scriptures are quite clear, not only will most every living thing be killed, (Mark 13:20) but the destruction of possibly nearly every man-made structure will occur, and there is nothing in the Word of God that says that this world is going to be miraculously healed, as it were, when we return. After the final rage of Satan towards the end of the Millennial period, (Rev. 20:7-10) the Lord will make a new heaven and earth, (Rev. 21:1) but not until then, and so what we will be returning to will in no way resemble what we left.

I have mentioned to my lovely wife that I would like to return to where I am sitting at this moment writing this letter to you sometime in that future, but I am fairly sure it will not be recognizable as such.

I ask you to contemplate these future days that will indeed happen, for I think it would be best so that you are prepared for what will await us, so to speak. I do not know if we will reside down here, or in heaven, or even in the New Jerusalem, which will not come down out of heaven until after the Lord makes a new heaven and earth, (Rev. 21:2) but may be our home before that time, we will have to wait and see, but think on these thoughts.

We will be given responsibilities, jobs if you like, during the Millennial period, a nearly 1,000-year period of time, and I could be wrong here of course, but many of these jobs may be here on earth, amongst unimaginable devastation. Billions of people dead, nearly every land and sea animal, dead or terribly wounded, nearly every city completely decimated, it is not going to be a pretty place. And then on top of that how many, hopefully millions that lived through that time. Shell-shocked and post traumatic syndrome do not begin to cover their emotional state, they will have witnessed things that the most horrific apocalyptic movies could even begin to do justice to. And you thought that you were just going to either die or be raptured, and then spend eternity singing songs and visiting far off planets. Probably not, except perhaps “after working hours.”

Another topic I might point out here is that during the Millennial period, there will indeed be sin, blatant, open sin, even though the Lord Jesus Christ is right over there on the throne, so to speak. Why bring some of this up now, why put a dark spot on the wonders and glory of heaven that have danced through your minds all these years, why ruin your day, at least in a small way. Because a long time ago the Holy Spirit showed me something, something I have never forgotten. It did not arrive in a dream or a vision, at best it was an image in my mind of a truth, that is the best I can describe it, the showing of truth to be.

I speak of these things today because most of you that read these letters are the called-out ones, we are the chosen of God, (John 15:16) for His glory. We will see these things that have been written here today, and much, much more. “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1 Cor. 2:9) Many will not.

I see them on fire, I see them screaming in torment without end, I see the fulness of complete utter despair and hopelessness on their faces, and it is never going to end, it will last for them forever. The best that I can put it at this point in my life is that you need to be prepared to see horror when we return, and today you should be telling someone how they can escape the horror to come, so that they might not have to live in that horror for all eternity.

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