Borrowed Truths

Idols Of False Hope

idols of false hope
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Idols Of False Hope

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” (Heb. 9:27)

Every person who has been saved by grace through faith holds no doubts towards the validity of these words, there is only one opportunity to live this life. There are only two places where people will spend eternity, their consciousness, cognitive abilities still functioning, self-awareness and reasoning skills forever intact.

Heaven or hell.

These truths are disbelieved by those who believe in reincarnation, they are vehemently disputed by the Roman Catholic cult, they are agreed with by many religious organizations and even in secular society to a degree but have been modified drastically to fit their own desires, to assuage their fears of death. Those to whom Psalm 14:1 is written for hold some form of ideology of life after this life.

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

The eternal power and godhead of the Almighty is clearly seen by every person ever born, this truth means that within every human’s soul there rests the unquestionable truth that there is a Sovereign God who exists, that cannot be denied. Yet He is by most, and always has been.

Men make gods to follow, of this there is no doubt, and the truth of those invisible things is the reason why. It may seem beyond foolish to us to think of those who made images of wood and stone and then bowed down to them and worshipped that man-made idol, but this is so ingrained in some people that it is almost impossible to reach them with the truth. Even Aaron, after witnessing the power of the Almighty, made a golden calf, Rachael sat on them in the tent when Laban entered, they were so precious to her.

Statues and pictures, beads counted, small tokens of faith held dearly, large edifices bowed down to. Crosses wore around the neck of some.

Mankind has always created a materialistic item that represents a deity greater than themselves, because those invisible things are known to them, but the truth of who those attributes are held by are denied by them. What they worship is nothing more than a good luck charm, superstitious nonsense meant to ease their minds, hopes poured out on wood and stone. Reveal these truths to them, and Galatians 4:16 will become a truth to you.

“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

“No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:44)

As ambassadors of the truths of the Scriptures, we are responsible to reveal truth to all that are deceived, to show them that what they are worshipping will avail them nothing. Sadly though, many who profess to serve the Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God will not do so.

They may at times speak of their own personal faith, but they refuse to contend against those who deny Him, who believe in a lie. It seems rude to them, unnecessarily judgmental, and so by not standing against the deceptions others believe, they believe they are keeping themselves unspotted from the world.

All of them hate the knowledge of those invisible things, most reject them, yet still make a god of their own design, just in case.

Satan has been more than happy to fill that void over the centuries, he cares not what people serve, as long as it is not the Living God. And mankind is content to be deceived, as long as their god serves them.

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