Borrowed Truths

How Much is Enough

Picture of Borrowed Truths

How Much is Enough

I would like to return to the subject of the account of our Lord raising Lazarus from the dead for a moment, more specifically, Him telling the people that were present to roll away the stone. For our Lord to simply wave His hand or speak the words and move the stone Himself would have taken as much effort as what He was about to perform, raising His friend from the grave, no effort whatsoever, nothing is impossible for God, to speak worlds and animals into existence is not tiring for the Creator.

How many times did Jesus say, “Your faith has healed you,” it makes an interesting study, both in the ease with which He performed these miracles, and the glory that was given to God. It is as if He desires us to be partakers in this arena with Him, the cooperative effort is the question though, what if they hadn’t had faith, and just how much faith is necessary. He didn’t announce what He was going to do at the tomb of Lazarus, people might have guessed, but no one was positive, yet they still obeyed and rolled the stone away. The woman who came up behind Him knew full well without question that all she had to do was touch the hem of His robe and she would be healed. (Matt. 9:20-21) No one at the tomb said straight out, “I have faith that you can raise the dead.” When Peter and the others were told to cast the net on the other side the first time, (John 21:6) nobody said why, no one exclaimed in faith that there would be fish just a few feet away, no faith was needed for these miracles.

Our Lord does not need our faith to do anything, in fact, He doesn’t need us at all, we need Him, so why then did He so few miracles in Nazareth, why would their faith make any difference to His abilities. How much faith does it take before we see the hand of God move in our lives. Think for a moment on all those who were possessed by demons, not one of them asked for His help, unless I am mistaken, all were brought to Him, save for the Gadarene (Matt. 8:28-34) others asked, Christ healed. All who asked to be healed were healed, even of those who could not ask for themselves, so why did our Lord say to some, “Your faith has healed you,” while others were healed without these words, simply because of the compassion that He had for them. Here then is the question, how necessary is our faith in Christ in these moments, and how much faith are we required to have?

Well, we know one thing for sure, we cannot be like the waves of the sea when we ask, (James 1:6) that one is guaranteed to receive nothing, we know for a fact that what we ask must be in the will of God, (1 John 5:14) but here is where many fall short in their faith. When someone is sick and we pray for them, many of course will pray for the individual to be healed, and when he is, they rejoice. But, when they are not, when they die, you will hear almost all say, “ It must not have been in God’s will,” but why not, did those who were praying not have enough faith, why is it, “Praise God” when they are healed, but not when they die, why is it then, “God’s will.” How much faith do you need before your prayers are answered?

We know that some are not answered because we ask amiss, to consume it upon our own lusts, (James 4:3) you don’t need a brand new car, yours runs just fine, but how is it amiss when the one who is trapped in a wheelchair would just like the ability to walk, our Lord did this for many in the Scriptures, why not me? Is my faith not strong enough, do I not believe enough, is there some unrepentant sin in my life that I have overlooked, or am I just to continue in the faith I have and say, “God’s will.” I didn’t say this would be an easy letter to you, I didn’t say I would answer the question, and so the question will remain, how much faith is enough? Does each specific incident need a specific amount of faith? A little for this, a lot for that, does the faith need to be constant and never questioning, or if we doubt for even a moment will we need to “start over?”

Do you know how you were saved? By grace thru faith, it was not of yourself. (Eph. 2:8) The faith to save you was given to you, not even that amount of faith resides in us, it was a gift from God. Does God give gifts to people that never open them, yes, I believe He does, because many are called. (Matt. 22:14) So for those that are called but not chosen, was this faith that He offered not enough for them, did they need more faith, of course not, they simply of their own free will despised the gift. Here is a point of contention within nearly all religious organizations, many are called, but not all, just because the Lord desires that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) does not mean that He has called all. Why is it when He called, you answered, when others do not, others who were given the same opportunity as you, the same faith to know His grace.

When you ask something of the Lord and you know it, as best you can, to be in His will, you are not asking amiss, you are not wavering, but He still answers “no,” what do you think of your faith in these moments, did you think that perhaps you weren’t fervent enough, after all, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16) Did you believe that perhaps your heart wasn’t really in it, or did you say, “Thy will be done” and move on.

Here is the only help I can give you, pray as our Lord did in the garden, pray as fervently as He did, pray with all your will and then end your prayer as He did, “Nevertheless, not my will, but thine.” (Luke 22:42) Your faith will be enough then, it will be in that moment all the faith you will ever need, for you have honored your Lord by allowing Him to do what He knows is the best thing to do. Your faith is enough when it rests in the complete assurance of His love for you, and that however He answers, it is the right answer.

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