Truth is not debatable in many places anymore, it is seen as intrusive, as unwanted, as pressuring individuals to ascribe themselves into a mold they do not want to fit into. And so lies abound, which in turn, turn the heart of man against the truth that is inevitable, that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. (Rev. 19:16)
This attack on all truth, whether it is the “necessity” of wearing masks, of the “inevitable need” for every human to be vaccinated is nothing new, save for the fact that it is being emboldened on a planetary scale instead of within only one or two nations. This is in itself one of the main precursors that the Holy Spirit used as truth to alert the righteous to see the truth, that the final days of the gentiles are at hand, not something that most wanted to believe or admit, myself included.
But not for reasons of fear, for we do not fear, but for the possibility that we may offer opportunity for the heathen to blaspheme the name of the Lord by the spreading of disinformation.
It was the reason that Almighty God did not destroy His people Israel in the wilderness, (Duet. 9:13-14) it was the reason the child died, (2 Sam. 12:14) and it is the reason that the just have kept their mouths closed on this subject, until now. Every word in these letters that I write to you is prayed over, each video that is produced is given perhaps what some might call an inordinate amount of fear, for those of us who are called to warn in these days must know, for a fact, without question, that what we are speaking is the truth.
All of us, every born-again believer at all times must never forget that we represent the Lord Jesus, that we are ambassadors of the kingdom, that truth is to be upon our lips at all times. Will we make mistakes, of course, will those that serve our adversary, whether willingly or by default mock and ridicule us when we do, yes, but those things are not important, the name of Jesus is, and so we repent to our Lord, asking forgiveness, and eyes and ears more suited to hear and see the truth.
This is the reason that there are so many false prophets arising, not only are some sent by Satan, but some have failed to verify the truth, they will not test the Spirits. (1 John 4:1) Many times they will post items on social media outlets both in written and video form at nearly the moment they have received what they believe are “revelations” from the Lord, I have even watched parts of those where people will awake in the middle of the night, video record themselves repeating the dream they just had, and then posting it online almost immediately, claiming that it was from God. This does not in any way portray self-control, one of the fruits of the Spirit, (Gal. 5:22-23) nor does it allow for anytime whatsoever for prayer or testing of the Spirits.
What is not truth is a lie, there is no gray area here, but even when I have brought up Deuteronomy 18:22 to these individuals, they rarely listen, nor do most of those who follow them, it is as if Acts 2:17, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:” takes precedence over or negates previous truths in the Word of God concerning those things wherein the Lord says we are to judge those who say they have been sent by Him.
I liken these days to those of Jeremiah, the end of Israel as a nation, for the most part, the beginning of the age of the gentiles, (Jer. 39:7) and one man out of a great number with the truth from the Lord, surrounded by false prophets. The Lord always keeps for Himself a remnant, a just people purposed to live, and die if He so desires, by His truths. Your responsibility is no minor thing my friends, we represent the Creator of all reality, we represent here among the lost and those who have determined not to stand fully for the Lord the truth, and they will hate us for that. Let them, we know they hated Him first, and if we are blessed to follow in those footsteps, we are blessed indeed.