Borrowed Truths

Growing In Love

growing in love
Picture of Borrowed Truths

Growing In Love

The amount of service that you offer of yourself to the Living God, is it or is it not relative to the amount of love that you have for Him?

If you said yes, is your service to Him growing as your love for Him does?

I love my lovely wife more today than I did when we first met, and in part, that love is revealed to her by those things that I do for her, which has increased as we have grown together. Marriage in this respect is almost, but not quite, what could best be called a “loving competition,” and it requires the knowledge of the depth of that love is to understand those words.

We are not attempting to outdo each other in our actions of love towards each other, but instead enjoy serving each other to the best of our abilities, and as often as possible.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)

If you are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, then it is impossible not to grow in your love for Him, and that love is always expressed in some form of an action. The amount of love you have for the Lord Jesus Christ is relative to your service to Him, and as your love grows, so will not only the service to Him, but the expression of love within those actions.

I place this question before you, one which I will offer no answer for, but in the context of this short letter to you it would be wise of you to contemplate it. Those who will receive many rewards in heaven, are they loved more by our Father in heaven than those who will receive few rewards?

Actions of obedience can be performed, even in the Spiritual sense, with no true love behind them. It is, in part, why the Lord said to those present that day, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” (Matt. 23:38) The amount of service they were presenting to the Almighty was indicative of the almost nonexistent love they held for Him. They were doing what had been commanded of them, but with no love in those actions.

“This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.” (Matt. 15:8)

If we are not careful my friends, we can succumb to this same trap. Church attendance, because it is expected of us, reading the Scriptures, because we believe we are supposed to, being polite and never judging, because that would be seen as unloving of one who claims to serve the Risen Savior.

The more you study the Scriptures, the more you seek His face, the more you pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal His truths to you, two things will happen. You will grow in your love for the Lord and you will find some things about the Living God that may make you, shall we say, uneasy. Some of God’s actions do not always seem loving.

“And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.” (1st Peter 4:8)

I do not always agree with my adorable wife, nor does she with me, yet our love, and therefore the actions of our love for each other, continues to grow deeper as the years pass.

Not the things He has or will do for you, not because He is the Sovereign Lord of all reality, not only as a servant loves his faithful Master, but as who He is. The Lord Jesus Christ is a person who wants to express His love to you personally. We should desire to do the same more each day.

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