“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” (Matt. 5:6)
I am one of those people. It is the culmination of not only the evil that is growing exponentially across the planet, but the recognition of the sin within myself. The world part is quite easy to see, simple research online, in the day-to-day activities of our lives that make it necessary for us to interact with this evil world are available for our senses each waking hour. The hedges are being lowered; sin is covering the earth as a blanket.
You could turn the television off, cease viewing anything whatsoever on the internet, and, in a sense, live on a deserted island, but then you could not assist anyone in any way, and we are called to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)
The sin within myself is not growing, but the more I contemplate our Lord, the more even the most minor infraction against Him hurts my soul, causes me to look at that part of me in disgust and a longing for that day when the old sinful nature is finally cast behind me forever.
Sin then, it seems, is the context of this short letter, that which began in heaven when Lucifer said, “I will,” was transposed to Adam by his own free will, and now puts a barrier between the Almighty and ourselves.
When God looks at those who have been born-again, He sees Jesus Christ, for until we are glorified, we can in no way stand in the presence of the Most High, and even then not on our own merits, but only because of Jesus Christ. Sin hides our face from the Lord, it keeps us out of the holy of holies, it denies us any blessings from the Lord, yet even when we repent of our sins, (1 John 1:9) we are still unable to approach God without Christ. He is the Intercessor; He is our Mediator.
These truths can seem despondent to say the least at times, and our Lord knows that also, it is one of the reasons why He said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 5:3)
The days that are approaching are going to be very difficult to say the least, and not just for those who serve the Risen Savior, all mankind will feel the effects of this approaching darkness. “In your patience possess ye your souls.” (Luke 21:19) On the world’s stage, unless you happen to be reading this and lead a large nation, we have no control over what is approaching, and if you have studied the Word of God, you will know that it cannot be stopped, it must, as it is said, run its course, but we can warn all who will listen.
I was blessed again today with the opportunity to do so with a complete stranger, one whom I will never again meet in this life, but the point is, will I meet him in the next? That is how we are fighting the battle that has been set before us, one person at a time. It may be that you will have the opportunity to speak with them for a long period of time, weeks or even months, but it may only be possible for a few minutes, as it was for me today. I offer you this advice, let the Holy Spirit do the talking, He knows what that person needs to hear.
Today the man I spoke with, whose name was David, after a short amount of time speaking on what is occurring not only in his own country but all across the world asked a simple but concise question, “What can we do about it?” My answer was simple, yet to the point, “Pray.” From there fifteen minutes of allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to this man gave him a sense of hope. Pray for him, pray for those you meet even before you meet them, ask the Lord to make you a vessel for His glory, and at least for a few moments you will be standing for righteousness in this ever-increasing sinful world, and that thirst and hunger, if only for a moment, will be abated.