The word ‘everyone’ is an absolute that is truth here.
No matter where you live, there is someone who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ, they may have heard His name, but they do not know Him. I believe, that because of the following verse, I can in all honesty say that every single person ever born knows of the Living God.
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” (Romans 1:20)
They do not know Him personally, the construct of who He is may be completely skewed in their mind, but they know He exists, and because of that fallacy that resides in them, Romans 1:25 also becomes a truth.
“Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”
Nearly every person you meet knows a god that spells his name with a lower case “g,” it is our responsibility as ambassadors of the Kingdom of heaven to introduce them to the Almighty, the only God who spells His name with a capital “G,” in all reality my friends, the only God there is.
When we read Psalm 82:6, “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” you must understand the construct of that verse, all who have ever lived have free will, and thus we are, in this respect gods, for the Most High has determined that living souls should be able to choose the direction they desire for their life here on earth. If He chose to direct every aspect of our decision making, then we would have no need to die to self, that god in this regard that we are. There could be no firm truth in Romans 14:12.
“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”
For we would have spent this life with no choices, continuously directed by the Almighty’s Sovereign authority, just as the stars and planets are. There would never be the option to not obey His commandments.
The brevity of our lives here along with the indisputable truth within every person that there is a Living God who created all reality, who sustains it by His will and for His pleasure should be enough for all to seek His face, but most have chosen to serve the creature, the construct of a god imagined in their foolish hearts, instead of the Most High.
And every one of their gods, without fail, is expected to serve them.
Even with as little as we are told of him, Lazarus at the rich man’s gate is proof of a life lived in humble service to the will of the Almighty.
“Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:6)
Job reveals to us the mistake of believing ourselves righteous without acknowledging fully that all our righteousness’ are as filthy rags.
We are not God, but we are gods, and those you meet that say they believe in God, for the sake of their eternal soul, must be questioned as to what God, or god, they are referring to. Those to whom you ask the question, “Who do you say Jesus Christ is?” must be questioned, tested if you like, to see if they know the Savior personally.
Those who do will be ready and willing to give the reason for their faith, those who do not, who serve the god of their design, may desire to be shown where they are mistaken in their interpretation of the Scriptures, but most will not, for they have found a god they are comfortable with, one who puts no real pressure upon them, one that does not attempt to convict them, one that does not command them.
Their foolish hearts have been darkened.
You are the bearer of the light of truth, you are hid in Christ, you are the messenger of the offerings of eternal life. The Most High has revealed Himself to you, reveal Him to them. Most will have no desire to ever speak with you again, but some may hear. Do not fear them, pity them, remember their end if they refuse the truth.
Rejoice in the knowledge that the truth has been revealed to you.