There are some things that we trust God with, I would like to be able to say that we trust Him in all things, and sometimes when we are put to the test that may be true. We try to keep every thought captive for Christ, to acknowledge Him in all our ways, to obey all that He has asked us to, but in all honesty each of us holds a doubt, not in an offensive way to our Father in heaven, but in our old nature, our flesh.
We trust Him as fully as we are able, but as my lovely wife says occasionally, we tend to get in our own way at times.
But there are some things that the Almighty has entrusted unto us, specifically truth, the truth of His written Word.
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
But have you hidden the unmitigated truths of the Scriptures? Certain religious cults profess that one must be baptized, or they will be eternally lost, and they believe it to be truth. Prosperity theologists will reveal verse after verse to you on how the Lord wants all His children to be wealthy in this life, all of them taken out of context. Snake handlers, poison drinkers, the list is nearly endless.
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,” (Romans 1:22)
It is not only important, it is imperative that you pray on a regular basis for the Lord to reveal to you exactly what He meant to say in every aspect of the Scriptures, you must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you not only truth, but how to apply it in your life.
“My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.” (James 3:1)
The truth will indeed set you free my friends, but if you step outside of it, it can be a cage that will trap you. And if you expound upon one lie, all those that follow it will only deceive you in a greater way.
Those that have been blessed with wisdom from the Most High do not see themselves as such, they see dust, they see themselves as fools for Christ, and not one of them can understand why He would reveal His truths to them.
Every one of these short notes to you are called “Letters of Truth,” and every one of them, every word that is placed in them I fear to write, for I will be held accountable for every one of them, and for those who read them. I cannot be wrong, the price is too high, and so I pray before I even pull my notepad out of the drawer, before I put pen to paper, I ask Him for truth, His truth, so that He would be glorified.
The words of the Scriptures we have hidden in our hearts are more than just memory verses, they are living truths, they are meant to be contemplated at great length, compared with all the relevant other verses, and then when we are shown truth, we are to share it with others.
“He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.” (John 21:16)
I am not a master, not by a long shot, I do not even consider myself a teacher, I am nothing more than an empty vessel waiting to be filled, sometimes twice a day. I pour out what He reveals to me on these pieces of paper, my beautiful wife types them up for me, and then we place them here for you to ponder, to contemplate, to apply.
As I do when I am finished speaking to someone face-to-face, I do with these letters to you, I ask the Lord to help whoever reads them to remember the truths found in them and forget the rest.
You have been entrusted with the truth, make sure it can be verified completely and without doubts in the Scriptures, you, as I am, will be held accountable for how you handled those truths.