Borrowed Truths

Directing Your Steps

directing your steps
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Directing Your Steps

“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” (Prov. 16:9)

If the Almighty did not direct our steps, make the path not smooth perhaps, but clear to us, we would continuously be either going astray or being led astray.

My friends, you must be able to hear the Holy Spirit, you must study to show yourself approved before you will hear Him clearly, and you must trust first of all that everything that occurs in your life happens for good.

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

And if you want the assurance that what you are doing is for the glory of God, then you must seek a personal relationship with Him, setting you face like a flint, reserving a portion of your mind, your thoughts to continuously be in His presence. You will not hear the Holy Spirit’s direction in your life with clarity if these things are not done.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1)

It is almost impossible to view any social media site today without witnessing some manner of impending doom, the lies are abounding, and the hope of mankind, of the wicked, lays in those whom they would like to see usurp those that are in power over the nations today. To quote an old song for you my friends, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

The Lord our God is directing the steps of mankind towards the days of Jacob’s Troubles, our adversary is being allowed more free will by He who now lets, the Holy Spirit, as I say to my beautiful wife, Satan can see that the silverware is being placed on the tables for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb.

Our Father in heaven is directing the steps of evil men today no differently than He has in the past, Pharoah, Nebuchadnezzar, the Roman Empire, nothing has ever surprised or been even remotely out of the will of the Living God on this planet.

“But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,” (Gal. 4:4)

The time of the Gentiles is coming to an end, and the wheat must be prepared to be tossed into the air, perhaps many times. Your Father in heaven will direct your steps in the upcoming days as well, but he expects you to trust Him, to continue in the task that He has set before you until He modifies that path.

Faith, hope and love my friends, and always for the glory of the Most High, trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ is to be our foundation.

“For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1st Cor. 3:11)

I am not attempting to deceive you in any way, you will fear, I will fear, at least our flesh will fear, but we must move through that fear, we must completely and totally understand that he is always directing our path in these evil days.

Satan’s goal is world domination, to be worshipped, to be lifted up above all mankind, to be seen as the Savior of the planet, of all mankind, and that must initially begin with worrying, then despair, then the removal of all that has been known, to be replaced by him.  

“All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matt. 24:8)

Even our adversary’s steps are directed by the Living God.

The sooner you come to the realization of those truths, the sooner those fears will begin to abate. How much the Lord allows you to go through is how much you need to go through; gold is never refined fully the first time through the furnace.

Stay in the Word, every day, be in prayer constantly, keep your Spiritual eyes and ears open all the time, listen to that still small voice, and trust that He is directing your steps.

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