“But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” (1st Cor. 1:24)
Every single person who hears the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is convicted, either positively or negatively, either for Him or against Him. Those who have never heard His name are, to a degree, our responsibility, we are to know Him personally ourselves so that we can explain Him properly to them.
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1st Peter 3:15)
I have been in many places over the course of my life, and I cannot recall ever meeting even one person though that has never heard His name, but rarer still are those that have desired to speak of Him at length no matter the plans they have for the day. There are times of course when this should be acceptable, but there is little excuse for at least not taking a few minutes to rejoice in speaking to a brother or sister in Christ about the Savior, no matter how busy one is.
What is sad are those who profess Him as Lord yet have little desire to converse about Him when there are no pressing matters to attend to, He is to them a personal matter, they are convicted only within themselves and find little joy in discussing the Scriptures at length.
Those who have denied Him openly will debate with you at length sometimes, not to seek the wisdom of God that He has blessed you with, but instead to find a crack in your armor, to bring up what they consider contradictions in the Scriptures, questioning His Sovereignty over the free will of their lives. These you must prepare yourself to meet, and it will fall upon you to not only initiate the conversation, but to prepare yourself beforehand to do so.
We glorify the Living God by studying to show ourselves approved so that when we meet those who do not know Him, we can encourage them, and to those who have heard His name but denied Him, in love expound properly the truths of the Word of God in hope that they will come to see the error of their ways and repent. It is in this truth that you must be convicted, but the more you do so, the more often you will say with Jeremiah, “Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.” (Jer. 20:9)
By your words those that die in their sins will have no excuse, for they have heard the words of truth from your lips, those who have been born-again will hopefully become convicted to speak boldly to the people they meet each day, and again, hopefully, will find that the only important part of their day were those moments when they conversed with another about the Lord.
When you give your account on that day, these moments will be brought to your attention, you will be asked, “Why did you believe those temporary earthly matters were more important than me?” And you will answer His question.
There are two things I have requested of the Lord in my life, one is that I would never relish in the thoughts of my “glory days,” and the other is that I would find no place in my thoughts for “I wish I would have.” The latter towards Him who gave His life for me I have failed at numerous times, but I learn from these failures and modify my life accordingly.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2)
Nearly every person you meet is convicted in one way or the other towards the Lord Jesus Christ, the question is, just how convicted are you for His glory?