I don’t believe I have ever met anyone who does not or has not compared themselves to someone else. Not always in a way that is meant to be self-depreciating or in the lifting up of pride, but simply for the sake of comparison, they see themselves as like unto someone else.
This would of course mean that they have at least some knowledge of that individual, and at least a working knowledge of themselves in the area that they are comparing themselves with that person. It is generally an attribute or character trait, and it is not something they are attempting to emulate, for they already see this trait in themselves. The purpose of these words? “Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16)
Now, would you dare to compare yourself to God and His Holiness? You are commanded to you know. Can you say, “Because I am in Christ, I am seen as righteous in the site of the Most High, I am without spot or blemish, because I am in the Beloved, I am accepted by God.”
Here is where many believers, and sometimes rightfully so, fall short, and for one main reason, they cannot or will not repeat those words for fear of pride entering into their heart, they will say they are trying, but they will not say they are holy.
All those who have been saved by the grace of God are called Saints in the Scriptures, it is our title, it is what those who will abide in the presence of the Lord God for all eternity are known as, we are Saints, saved by grace through faith. If you live in Russia, you are a Russian, in America, American, France, you are French, if you are born-again your title is Saint, no matter what nation you live in.
We are a called out people, (1 Peter 2:9) we are no longer citizens of this planet, we are to compare our words, deeds, actions, every movement of our life to Jesus Christ. This is not a movement, this is not a bracelet or a shirt that you wear that says WWJD, “What would Jesus do,” this is the entirety of your life, every facet of it, this is who you are, whether or not you will believe in such a manner has been left up to you, such is the gift of free will.
We are representatives of Jesus Christ, and so because of that old man that still resides in us, (Eph. 4:22) our sinful nature, our first enemy by default is us, more specifically our pride. To anyone who comes to the realization that we are children of God, that no evil will befall us, (Psalm 91:10) that everything that happens to us is for good, (Romans 8:28) that we are eternally protected, the thoughts of pride will enter in, many times in our lives. Our Father is the Creator and Sustainer of all that is, and He loves us.
This is a great challenge at times, for we may stop comparing ourselves to others, and start seeing them as less than us, we may begin to swell up in the knowledge that we are loved, and the wrath of God is resting upon them. (John 3:36) Here is where Lucifer fell, and here is the trap for all those that serve Christ, who dare to compare themselves to Jesus Christ for the glory of God.
“Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” (1 Cor. 10:12) “As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.” (1 Peter 2:16)
Remember, it was grace that saved you, unmerited favor, we are nothing but dust. Yes, we will shine like the stars of heaven one day, (Dan. 12:3) yes, we are loved and will be for all eternity, but not because of us. Comparing yourselves with someone else is never a competition with that person but can become one with those you meet. For there is always the opportunity to think higher of ourselves than we should. It is always best to compare yourself with the Lord God Almighty, it is the most humbling thought we can have.