“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20) How many of the lost do you suppose know this verse in the Scriptures, do you believe that there are perhaps millions throughout the ages who have just pre-supposed this truth without ever reading the words from the Bible.
Along with this verse there are thousands of others that I believe the followers of Christ presume that those who do not know Him as Lord should just automatically know, as it were, as if because they are truth to us they should be to them also. “All have sinned and fell short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Most people on this planet do not understand the concept of sin against a Holy God, their concern is not with the eternal but with the world, the perception of how others see them to be, at least outwardly. For them to grasp the concept that even our thoughts are to be held in check, (2 Cor. 10:5) is a moral construct that is relative only to their own personal convictions, and usually these are based on the assumptions that man is inherently good, which of course is not true. (Mark 7:21) No one comes to the Father but by Christ, (John 14:6) and all that come to Him are drawn by the Father, (John 6:44) so to expect those who do not know Him as Lord to behave in a manner that is pleasing to Him is ridiculous, how can anyone serve a master that they do not know, only His sheep know His voice and follow Him. (John 10:27)
To our opening statement then, the invisible things, I believe this verse is in the Word of God not only so that whatever excuses the lost will try to get our Lord to understand a thousand plus years from now will be seen as valid, but it is also there for those who serve Him as Lord in their lives today. Many Christians tend to stay within their own group, as it were, when it comes to listening to what the Lord wants to say to them. They rarely venture outside of these prescribed ideologies when it comes to the pursuit of the wisdom of God. Knowledge is learned, wisdom is given, and the main source for this wisdom is the Word of God, there is no higher authority. The promises in the Scriptures are true, if you pray for wisdom, you will receive wisdom, (James 1:5) along with all the other attributes that are associated with it. Wisdom is to be sought above all other things, (Prov. 16:16) it enables the man of God to walk in a confidence that grows day by day, it is the pathway to knowledge.
Our Lord has blessed many men and women with wisdom, and by their words we can be assisted in our own walk on the path that the Lord has chosen for each of us, and as we are blessed, so are we to assist others. Great discernment must be applied though in this area, many who may seem wise are only deceivers, the Scripture calls them anti-christ’s, and they have led many astray. We are not just easily tempted in the flesh, but also in our minds, our spirits, and without the wisdom of God, a firm footing in the foundational Truths of Scriptures, we will indeed be led astray. There cannot be two truths in this area of conversation, for if it were true that more than one existed, then a reason could be supplied as to why there are so many different religious organizations around the planet, all of them saying that what they preach is the only way to the Kingdom of God. There is here a misinterpretation of the truths of Scripture, and so the invisible things of God are not clearly seen within these so-called churches. The traditions of men and the purposeful corruption of the Scriptures are in part to blame, there are religious organizations that stand as proof to this statement, for they will say that yes, Christ is the only way to the Father, but you also have to do this, and in effect say that what our Lord accomplished on the cross was almost enough, but not quite.
The invisible things of God are clearly seen, yet we disallow them in favor of what some behind the podium preach, as if they have been given a new revelation from the Lord, something beyond what He has given to us in His Holy Word, and for these, and all that follow after them, Rev. 22:19 will hold true. There is only one of two ways that this can be accomplished, words must either be taken from or added to the Bible, and in truth this is why there are so many different books today with the word “Bible” printed on the front cover. Words must be added by man so that man can deceive man into believing that what is printed is truth, for they can then proclaim, “See, it says right here,” they have produced so-called truths for reasons of their own, transforming the Truths of God into a lie. (Rom. 1:25)
The invisible things of God are clearly seen, by those He has blessed with eyes to see, with the wisdom that all may ask for and freely receive, and these are not easily deceived. Every single weekend when you attend the morning service, you should have a pen or pencil and a small notepad, and every time that you hear the possibility of a compromise of the Word of God coming from the one who is speaking, you should write it down, then as soon as you arrive back home, look it up, diligently search for the Truth. “Those that seek Me early shall find Me.” (Prov. 8:17) It is foolishness in the extreme to take for granted everything that is spoken to us as truth, so why would you do so each Sunday morning, is the one who speaks to you each weekend from behind the podium one who is without error, is he perfect in his interpretations of the Word of God, is he accountable for you or are you? Do you think that when you stand before the Lord on that day to be judged that He is going to call in witness’ on either your behalf or against you? No my friends, you will stand there alone, and you will give an account, you alone will be responsible for the consequences of your actions. And what are you to do if indeed there are discrepancies between the truths of the Scriptures and what you are being told to believe? Well, you confront the speaker of course, politely and in love, but in the firm truth of what the Word of God says, and you listen to their explanation.
The invisible things are clearly seen, none will have an excuse, and if you knowingly and willingly subject yourself to continued false teaching of the precepts of God, you will have no excuse on that day. This is very serious my friends, this could be the determining factor as to whether you will stand before Christ a few moments after you leave your mortal temple, or if you will stand before Him a little more than a thousand years from now. It can mean the difference between being caught up in the rapture or being left behind. You will not be able to use the excuses and hear a reprieve from the Lord if you have determined to say to Him on that day, “But, this is what my pastor, preacher, minister, priest told me.” “Everyone of us shall give account” (Rom. 14:12), and the consequences will be because of your actions, not because of what someone told you to believe.
“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen.” This is not just for the lost on that day when they give their well thought out excuses before they are cast into eternal torment, it is for us today, those who know Christ as Lord. There are some who are saved, but only as if by fire (1 Cor. 3:15), for they would not open their eyes, and see the invisible, they refuse to look upon those that they follow as infallible, and will not come to the realization that only Christ is, and that His Words are the only truth. Obedient faithfulness is the key, wisdom blessed by God upon us is the lock, and the door opens to knowledge. All who diligently seek to glorify Him will need no excuse, profitable servants need not give an excuse, praise and thanksgiving is what comes from their lips instead.