Its actually quite simple, offer the availability for easy credit, a way to enter into debt with ease, keep wages continuously lower than the cost of items, and you have perpetual slavery.
Modify the education centers to teach what you want the young to learn, thereby controlling the thoughts and actions of the next generation who in turn will offer themselves to the bondage of the world, allowing what is commonly called “the system” to retain their services as nothing more than a babysitter for the masses.
“The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” (Proverbs 22:7)
Those in church settings love to hear the accounts of how Jesus had no place to lay His head, yet they will not emulate Him, of how Paul taught us through the Holy Spirit to be content in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in, while they rationalize their enormous debt load, their desires for the next thing, and, if they have children, giving over the majority of their children’s lives to those who do not serve or honor the Most High God.
You tell me, is this honoring God with only their lips?
It may happen, but it is beyond rare to find a man of God, one who is indeed the Spiritual leader of his household who stands for Christ, one who is married to a strong, God-fearing woman who is willing to do without so that their children can be raised to fear God. The sacrifices seem so great today, living on just one income does not afford one to live as the masses do. And of course, there are a myriad of excuses, far too many to address in this short letter.
Proverbs 22:6 is a fallback verse, as it were, for many. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” The hope is that they will listen while they are young, and then when maturity envelopes them, they will return to faith in Christ. Until then, they are left to the babysitter known as the public school, and many times even the private, education system, because mom and dad have bills to pay because they wanted things they would not be patient enough to attain or believed it was not against the will of God to move themselves into that place of bondage, of debt.
But they love to hear the accounts of their Savior borrowing a donkey and being buried in a tomb He did not own.
It is of course the pull of the world, the attraction of the things that money can buy, in part even the ridicule of others who have what they could have if they would only sign on the bottom line. And the sad part is most in this position do not even care, it does not really bother them, after all, is it not the way of the world, (which should be a clue to you right there) to be in debt, to have today what you can pay for tomorrow? Is not the pursuit of happiness even written in the constitution of some nations? And how can one be happy if one does not own things?
These individuals leave their home that they owe decades of money on, drive to their church on Sunday morning in a vehicle they owe years of payments on, with credit cards on their person that they owe enormous sums of money on to offer the Lord their spare change.
If this is you, I honestly hope I made you think today, I hope that you will garner wisdom from this short letter, but in all honesty, I believe in about an hour or so you will completely forget everything you read here, while you feel good about that sermon on the account of Jesus needing to borrow a coin to prove a point or send Peter to go and catch a fish to get one coin, perhaps you will be convicted in this matter. One can only hope so.